Accessed on 03.03.2020
Cet article documente le processus de mise en œuvre du Traitement préventif intermittent TPI), une stratégie de prévention du paludisme dont l’administration est couplée au Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) dans les services de santé, les réactions des prestat...aires, des populations et leurs facteurs explicatifs. Les résultats montrent que l’absence de connaissances adéquates à propos du TPI n’a pas empêché son appropriation par les communautés, dans la mesure où les perceptions lui accordent une valeur pratique et l’intègrent dans les besoins ressentis. C’est pourquoi les enfants ont reçu, dans la grande majorité, les médicaments administrés. Certains comportements en décalage s’expliquent plus par des contraintes, des insuffisances du système de santé et de vaccination que par un refus. Chez les prestataires de soins, l’information a été plus disponible du côté les infirmiers étatiques. Cependant, les processus de détournement et les attitudes d’indifférence étaient plus visibles chez ces derniers.
Public Report
PQMC 0003-003-00 WHO PQMC PR June/2015, version 2.0
30th World AIDS Day Report
STAR Initiative, Unitaid and World Health Organization December 2018
Training manual that outlines the training of smallholder farmers to improve biosecurity and practices in their farms to prevent infectious diseases and thus the need for use of veterinary drugs. Describes training sessions and includes exercises and handouts.
Purpose of this document: to present eight practical steps that Member States can take at the national and sub-national level to improve WASH in health care facilities
Intensive Care Med (2009) 35:9–29DOI 10.1007/s00134-008-1336-9
Although thousands of papers have been devoted tohospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), many controversiesremain, and management of HAP is probably often sub-optimal. Several reviews or guidelines have been pub-lished rec...ently, mostly by North American initiatives(CDC, ATS). Three European Societies (ERS, ESCMID andESICM) were interested in producing a document thatcould complement in some way the last IDSA/ATS guidelines published 3 years ago. In addition, the Helics
working group supported this initiative.
The product of all this work is the Standard Treatment Guideline and Essential Medicines List of Common Medical Conditions in the Kingdom of Swaziland. These systematically developed statements are designed to assist practitioners in making decisions about appropriate treatment for specific clinical... conditions. They are meant to reflect expert consensus based on a review of current and published scientific evidence of acceptable approaches to diagnosis, man-agement, or prevention of specific conditions.It is enlightening to note that section A of the document contains the STG, and effort has been made to have the conditions commonly encountered in Swaziland classified according to systems. Written in simple, clear language, each section consists of a short definition followed by common symptoms and signs of the disease or condition and then management (pharmacological and nonpharmacological)
Internationally, there is a growing concern over antimicro-bial resistance (AMR) which is currently estimated to ac-count for more than 700,000 deaths per year worldwide. If no appropriate measures are taken to halt its pro-gress, AMR will cost approximately 10 million lives andabout US$100 trillion... per year by 2050. In contrast tosome other health issues, AMR is a problem that con-cerns every country irrespective of its level of incomeand development as resistant pathogens do not respect borders.Despite the threat presented by AMR, the 2014 WorldHealth Organization (WHO) and the recent O’Neill re-port describe significant gaps in surveillance, standardmethodologies and data sharing. The 2014 WHOreport identified Africa and South East Asia as the regions without established AMR surveillance systems.
Tadesseet al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2017) 17:616 DOI 10.1186/s12879-017-2713-1
Des mains propressont des mains sûres. Mes mains sont-elles propres ?
A l’attention des professionnels soignants, des formateurs et des observateurs des pratiques d’hygiène des mains
December 2015
National guidelines for of Clubfoot