Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2020, 00, 1–5
doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmaa072
Brief Repor
The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations. This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration r...oute, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection concerns for migrants and assistance provided, and COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. This report utilizes data collected through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Migrant Response Centres (MRCs), Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) data, as well as anecdotal information provided by IOM team members working in the region.
Aviation plays an important role in humanitarian operations around the world, especially in countries where overland transport is difficult or impossible due to insecurity, damaged or inadequate infrastructure, and challenging climatic conditions. Aviation allows the transport of humanitarian aid wo...rkers and humanitarian cargo to communities in some of the world’s most inaccessible places.
1 marco 2021. As orientações deste documento visam, principalmente, equipar o pessoal da saúde com ferramentas que lhes permitam aumentar a eficiência da comunicação com a população geral e aumentar, manter ou recuperar a confiança do público nas vacinas e nos programa de imunização na R...egião das Américas.
It will be updated continuously.
Details of COVID-19 availability in all ten ASEAN countries and another 30 Asian nations.
Due to the developing situation in China and Asia concerning the Coronavirus, we will be operating this article as a running live update service to keep businesses involved in... ASEAN and Asia updated with the latest relevant regional news.
What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?
Supporting the most exposed and vulnerable societies to reduce
regional and global climate risks
This updated glossary for malaria aims to improve communication and mutual understanding within the scientific community, as well as with funding agencies, public health officials responsible for malaria programmes, and policy-makers in malaria-endemic countries
English Analysis on World about Disaster Management and Protection and Human Rights; published on 12 Jan 2021 by IFRC
Rotafolio para el Agente Comunitario
y las Familias durante las visitas domiciliarias
29 Dec 2021. Comprehensive slideset updated regularly to include the latest data and guidance on best practices for COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
22 Dec 2021: El oxígeno está incluido dentro de la lista de medicamentos esenciales de la OMS y es utilizado para atender pacientes en todos los niveles de las redes integradas de servicios de salud. Dado que la eficacia del uso de oxígeno ya está probada en el tratamiento de pacientes con afecc...iones respiratorias provocadas por la COVID-19, existe una gran oportunidad para mejorar la efectividad promoviendo su uso de una manera racional, sostenible y segura.
Prepared by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response for the WHO Executive Board, January 2021
“The world was not as prepared as it should have been, and it must do better,” concludes a WHO panel reviewing the pandemic response "
Interim Guidance 8 January 2021
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2021;106:238-240.