This study, and similar studies in Kenya, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia is the outcome of close collaborative by a team in Swaziland, with technical and financial support from the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, UNAIDS Geneva, and the World Bank's Global HIV.../AIDS Program (Global AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Team). The study entailed using existing data and collecting new data to better know the country's HIV epidemic, know the country HIV response and how funding was allocated, so as to improve the HIV response and strengthen prevention based on evidence on what works to prevent new infections.
EVALUATION REPORT. This report is a synthesis of the evaluation of UNICEF's response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Indonesia that was undertaken in August 2008 to July 2009. The evaluation assessed UNICEF's response in four sectors where it had major involvement: child protection; basic educat...ion; water, sanitation and hygiene; and child and maternal health and nutrition.
Participatory Learning and Action Planning; A Facilitator's Guide
Training On The Misp For Sexual And Reproductive Health In Crisis Part 2
2nd edition. Essential guideline for humanitarian assistance
Operational Guidelines and Field Manual on Human Rights Protection in Situations of Natural Disaster
This publications outlines the specific reproductive health needs of this cadre of adolescents and the programmatic responses that can be used to reach them.
These policy guidelines provide a strategic approach and new recommendations for integrated TB and HIV services for patients suffering from substance-abuse addiction. The key recommendations fall under three main categories: joint planning, key interventions, and overcoming barriers.