Regional Eastern European and Central Asian project (TB-REP) Copenhagen, Denmark, 26–28 April 2016
Regional Analysis. WPSAR Vol 7, No 2, 2016 | doi: 10.5365/wpsar.2015.6.4.010
International Journal of Special Education. Vol.29 (3) 2014, 69-81
Educating students with disabilities in an inclusive general education setting has been shown to increase academic achievement, increase peer acceptance, increase self esteem, create a richer friendship network, and have positive li...fetime benefits (higher salaried jobs, independent living). In addition, inclusion can have benefits for students without disabilities. The West African nation of Senegal has pledged to increase inclusive education for students with disabilities by 2015. Issues that affect inclusive education for all in Senegal are access to schooling, community and societal perceptions of individuals with disabilities, poverty, and teacher training and pedagogy. To increase inclusive education for all in Senegal the country must increase access to schooling through physical accessibility and decentralization, create community awareness campaigns that increase knowledge of disabilities, and develop teacher training that fosters a student-centered pedagogy.
Original publication developed by CBM. CBM is an international Christian disability & development organisation committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest parts of the world.
Estas Normas pretendem ser um instrumento de apoio ao profissional
de saúde afecto às Unidades Sanitárias, à todos os níveis de atenção de
saúde para o diagnóstico, tratamento e seguimento da HTA, bem como
prevenção das complicações
Version 1.1 July 2016
The purpose of this document is to describe standard operating procedures for viral load monitoring, including the schedule for viral load testing when used for routine monitoring of children, adolescents and adults on ART; interpretation of results; patient management; an...d specimen collection, preparation and transport. This template document to be adapted for use in various contexts and is one component of a viral load monitoring toolkit, to be used in conjunction with ICAP’s Viral Load Monitoring Flipchart and Enhanced Adherence Treatment Plan.
A two-week mission was conducted by WASH and quality UHC technical experts from WHO headquarters and supported by the WHO Ethiopia Country Office (WASH and health systems teams) in July 2016, to understand how change in WASH services and quality improvements have been implemented in Ethiopia at nati...onal, sub-national and facility levels; to document existing activities; and through the “joint lens” of quality UHC and WASH, to identify and seek to address key bottlenecks in specific areas including leadership, policy/financing, monitoring and evaluation, evidence application and facility improvements. Ethiopia has implemented a number of innovative and successful interventions.
PLoS Med 10(8): e1001501.
J Mov Disord > Volume 11(2); 2018 > Article
Review Article
J Mov Disord 2018; 11(2): 53-64.
Published online: May 30, 2018
The purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Treatment of Patients with Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care is to provide professionals with practical recommendations based on scientific evidence to assist in the detection and effective treatment of these disorders