Руководство по состоянию на 20 марта 2020 г. Примечание: документ будет регулярно пересматриваться и обновляться по мере развития эпидемиологической ситуации с COVID-19
Услуги по иммунизации являются важнейшим компонентом работы служб иммунизации. Поэтому иммунизационные сессии в рамках плановой иммунизации следует проводить настолько долго, насколько это позволяют ответные меры на вспышку COVID-19. Решения, связанные с работой служб иммунизации, должны приниматься на основе детальной оценки эпидемиологии управляемых инфекций, сценария передачи COVID-193, предпринятых в связи с этим смягчающих мер, а также ресурсов системы иммунизации.
This document is a guide for national authorities who are responsible for managing public health responses to COVID-19
This dashboard includes the number of reported confirmed cases from countries/territories/areas of the WHO Western Pacific Region
Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water
The following protocol has been designed to investigate the extent of infection, as determined by seropositivity in the general population, in any country in which COVID-19 virus infection has been reported. Each country may need to tailor some aspects of this protocol to align with public health, l...aboratory and clinical systems, according to capacity, availability of resources and cultural appropriateness. However, using a standardized protocol such as this one below, epidemiological exposure data and biological samples can be systematically collected and shared rapidly in a format that can be easily aggregated, tabulated and analyzed across many different settings globally for timely estimates of COVID-19 virus infection severity and attack rates, as well as to inform public health responses and policy decisions. This is particularly important in the context of a novel respiratory pathogen, such as COVID-19 virus