WHO/HTM/HIV/2007.01 WHO/HTM/TB/2007.380
5th revised edition.
This document provides a ranking of medically important antimicrobials for risk management of antimicrobial resistance due to non-human use. The current revision took place at the seventh meeting of the AGISAR held in Raleigh, United States of America in 2016.
WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.2 Plague Manual
Epidemiology, Distribution, Surveillance and Control
A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Accessed November 2017.
Training for staff working at DR-TB management centres.
Training modules
Standard Operating Procedures for Implementation of TB Activities at HIV/AIDS Service Delivery Sites
Advocacy report March 2011
303100 03/2011 E 1,000
First Edition, July 2009
Trainers’ Manual