La Stratégie et plan d’action sur la promotion de la santé dans le contexte des objectifs de développement
durable 2019-2030 cherche à renouveler la promotion de la santé grâce à des interventions de nature sociale,
politique et technique, en agissant sur les déterminants sociaux de la s...anté, à savoir les conditions dans
lesquelles les personnes naissent, grandissent, vivent, travaillent et vieillissent (1). Ils visent à améliorer la
santé et à réduire les iniquités en matière de santé dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable à
l’horizon 2030
Mettre en œuvre la gestion des risques
associés aux soins en établissement de santé
Des concepts à la pratique
Bachelorarbeit - Departement: Gesundheit; Institut: Institut für Hebammen; Studienjahr: 2008; Eingereicht am: 20.05.2011; | Zielsetzung: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, Risikofaktoren, welche eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung infolge eines traumatischen Geburtserlebnisses begünstigen, zu analys...ieren.
Armed Forces Pest Management Board Technical Guide No. 47
An evaluation of WFP’s operation. Evaluation Report
The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) main components include: relief assistance; food assistance for assets (FFA); nutrition support to women, children and HIV/TB patients; school feeding (SF) and capacity building. The evalua...tion scope covers the design phase and all activities up to this evaluation (January 2013-September 2016). Since the PRRO was extended through December 2017, the purpose is not as a final evaluation, but to provide results on achievements that can inform current and future operations
The present Community Empowerment Manual draws upon the lessons learned of the Community Protection Approach implementation in Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territory and Central America during the period 2015-2020 by WeWorld – GVC and its partners.
The Manual means to accompany Field Staff i...n devising the most appropriate strategy to engage with communities, given the conditions of access, security and time of the specific context in which a project is implemented. Even though the steps described proceed alongside the implementation of the Community Protection Approach, the manual has different sections providing guidance for the definition of engagement strategies in any context or project in question.
This case study takes a closer look at experiences in three countries and one sub-region, each with a unique profile, a specific set of challenges and opportunities, and differing levels of WASH competencies. Through the lens of the participating National Societies and the communities they serve, study captures rich layers of learning from multi-country implementation between 2016 to 2020.
The unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic gives a glimpse of the resulting global restrictions that are testing aspects of National Society capacity and preparedness on the ground. It is an opportunity to take stock of progress and the outlook ahead - to celebrate achievements and share experiences with National Societies and partners contemplating capacity development in emergency WASH in the Asia Pacific region.
L’ulcère de Buruli, une infection causée par Mycobacterium ulcerans, touche plus de 33 pays dans le monde, mais un peu moins de la moitié seulement de ces pays communiquent régulièrement des données sur la maladie à l’OMS.
Informe sobre poblaciones clave
Accessed November 2017
Rapport sur les populations clès
Accessed November 2017
It is our hope and prayer that the guidance and multiple tools provided herein to manage
the entire lifecycle of a food security program are useful to our food security staff, our
local partners, and our fellow international Cooperating Sponsors throughout the world.
A set of basic guidelines on how to be accountable to local people and measure program impact in emergency situations. The "good enough" approach emphasizes simple and practical solutions and encourages the user to choose tools that are safe, quick, and easy to implement
The report is based on in-depth qualitative research in countries along the Eastern and Central Mediterranean routes. It focuses on Iraqi and Nigerian migrants as case studies, as Nigeria is the number one country of origin for migrants travelling along the Central Mediterranean route. Iraqis repres...ent the third biggest group of migrants who travelled along the Eastern Mediterranean route in 2016.
Rapport de plaidoyer Mars 2011
303100 03/2011 E 1,000