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Editorial Review
AIDS 2019, 33:1411–1420
1-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Issue date: 23 November 2018
UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.32
This handbook is a quick-reference tool that provides practical, field-level guidance to establish and maintain a GBV sub-cluster in a humanitarian emergency. It provides the foundations for coordination. More in-depth information can be pursued through resources referenced in this handbook. The GBV... AoR website ( maintains a repository of tools, training materials and resources that complement this handbook. As a second edition, this handbook provides updates to practitioners on humanitarian reforms, lessons learned, promising practices and resources that have emerged since its first publication in 2010.
From passive beneficiaries to active agents of change
A practical guide to meaningfully engage adolescents in the AIDS response
UNAIDS 2016 reference
Combler les écarts
Rompre les barrières
Réparer les injustices
Directions in Development
Human Development
Guía práctica para intervenciones colaborativas
Approaches pratiques pour des interventions collaboratives
Report by the Director-General. 75th World health assembly 25 April 2022
Practical Guidance for collaborative interventions
2016 Update
Key population
Key Populations