A guide for Regional Workshop and Hospital Technicians
Managing Sexual Violence against Aid Workers aims to support aid agencies in preventing, being prepared for and responding to incidents of sexual violence against their staff. It is intended as a good practice guide to help strengthen existing processes and support organisations as they set up their... own protocols.
This guide is aimed at anyone with a responsibility for staff care, safety and security, as well as anyone involved in processes aimed at preventing or responding to incidents of sexual violence against staff, such as security focal points, HR staff, project and programmes staff, and first responders to incidents of sexual violence within an aid organisation.
Los servicios de emergencias médicas prehospitalarias (SEM) facilitan atención inicial de soporte vital básico y/o avanzado y traslado de heridos o enfermos desde el lugar donde ocurre la emergencia hasta el centro sanitario donde le van a prestar cuidados definitivos. Los SEM también pueden pre...star traslado de pacientes desde una instalación de salud a otra de mayor nivel o complejidad, en lo que se conoce como traslado interhospitalario. Los servicios de ambulancia es el componente más conocido y puede ser prestado por diferentes proveedores que pueden ir desde departamentos de bomberos, organizaciones de voluntarios o servicios adscritos a universidades hasta hospitales que cuentan con su propio servicio de ambulancias para cubrir a sus usuarios. Los SEM prehospitalarios también incluyen otros componentes como los centros tipo 911 o los Centro Reguladores de Urgencia y Emergencias (CRUE) y los programas de primer respondiente. Todos ellos deben integrase de una forma coordinada con las redes integradas de servicios de salud para asegurar una continuidad de los cuidados de salud prestados a la persona herida o enferma. Durante emergencias de salud pública, los servicios de emergencia medicas prehospitalarias pueden verse superados por el número de llamadas o demanda de traslados médicos.
January - December 2019
First published April 2020
• Between January to December 2019, an estimated 8.58 million people were reached at least once with some form of humanitarian assistance, including over
91,000 people through three inter-agency convoys, two to Rukban and one to Menbij. On ...average, 3.4 million people received some form of humanitarian
assistance on a monthly basis.
• Response efforts have seen a 39% increase in December compared to November with around 4.88 people reached.
• More than a third (38.5%) of this response was delivered to areas of most acute need (which host an estimated 40% of people in need); 25.3% of the response
was delivered to areas with major needs (which host an estimated 42% of people in need); and 36.2% of the response was delivered to other areas of lower
severity and include life-saving activities (e.g.: vaccination campaigns, nutrition screening and water provision) to reduce excess morbidity and mortality.
March – June 2020
This update: 3 April 2020
COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the biggest hindering threats to education service delivery worldwide which requires innovative solutions to overcome this situation and deliver education services to children. This pandemic has put the country in an emergency state compiled with the ongoing confl...icts and return of refugees from neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Iran whom are suffering from this pandemic in great numbers and its estimated that many returning Afghan refugees will be affected by this virus that requires immediate attention.
The coronavirus outbreak that began in late 2019 (COVID-19) has evolved rapidly and globally. On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and a pandemic on 11 March 2020 indicating global spread of a new... disease.
Addressing COVID-19 requires critical preparedness and a prepared response, particularly within places of detention (prisons). Prison staff play a crucial role in contributing to the effort of preventing the spread of the disease, promoting safer prison environments, and responding to outbreaks in a timely and effective manner.
Supply of essential medicines and health technologies (6 April 2020)
This paper is one of a set of technical guidance papers developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to provide practical information and resources for decision-makers on measures to strengthen the health system response to C...OVID-19.
The purpose of this paper is to provide WHO Regional Office for Europe Country Offices and Member States with guidance on how to maintain supplies of medicines and health technologies, including devices, diagnostics and blood products, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
30 January 2020
This document outlines the standard operating procedures for detection and response to case/s of suspected novel coronavirus disease (2019-nCoV) in South Africa. The content of this document should inform provincial preparedness plans.
This guidance note identifies strategic action for policy-makers and managers at the national, subnational and facility level to address these different challenges.