The five thematic discussion papers in this collection were prepared by members of the Global Prevention Coalition Steering Group and other experts from various institutions and countries. Contributors are listed in alphabetical order. The five papers are meant to inform country consultations and th...e development of a Global HIV Prevention Roadmap. They do not reflect the views of UNAIDS or any other agency or organization.
"Die folgende Reflexions- und Praxishilfe basiert auf den Seminarerfahrungen von glokal mit Unterstützungsgruppen und aus der Empowerment-Arbeit mit Geflüchteten. Sie ist entstanden in der gemeinsamen Arbeit mit unterschiedlichster Teilnehmer*innen, die wesentliche Aspekte zu der Liste beigetragen... haben. Wir hoffen, dass die Fragen der Liste eine Hilfe sind, um über de eigene Unterstützungsarbeit und die eigene Gruppe nachzudenken. Die Fragen sollen den Blick auf Vorurteile und Diskriminierung schärfen und dabei helfen Rassismus innerhalb der Gruppe zu erkennen und abzubaün." (glokal e.V., Willkommen ohen Paternalismus, 2017)
The Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) Data Catalogue is a table of data sources relevant to Migration and Demography policies. Each data source is listed with its summary description, the link to its web site and other metadata. The catalogue will include official EU and internatio...nal statistics, as well as important data sets at Member State level.
The aim of this handbook is to provide network members and other laboratories involved in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, with an agreed list of key diagnostic methods and their protocols in various areas of TB diagnosis, ranging from microbiological diagnosis of active TB to the diagnosis of latent ...TB infection. This handbook offers a single source of reference by compiling all methods, with a strong focus on standard (reference) and evidence-based methods. In so doing, it will also contribute to the improvement of disease surveillance data for Europe.
The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. A complete listing of courses is below. Individual courses are also part of certificate programs, listed to the left, as well as on the Certificate Program page. Courses tha...t have been translated and can be found on the Translation page.
This report is from the National study on living conditions among people
with disabilities carried out in Nepal in 2014-2015. The study was carried
out as a household survey with two-stage stratified sampling, including a screening/listing procedure using the Washington Group on Disability
Statis...tics 6 questions, one Household questionnaire administered to
households with (Case HHs) and without disabled members (Control
HHs), one Individual Case questionnaire administered to individuals who were found to qualify as being disabled in the screening (Case
individuals), and an Individual Control questionnaire administered to
matched non-disabled individuals in the Control HHs (Control individuals). The study covers a range of indicators on level of living, such as socioeconomic indicators, economic activity, income, ownership and infrastructure, health (including reproductive health), access to health information, access to services, education, access to information, social participation, and exposure to discrimination and abuse (see all
questionnaires in Appendix).
This TV spot follows the early years of a child’s life and shows how both parents play an important role in parenting. By playing, talking with, and listening to their parents, children learn and develop their self-confidence, which can contribute to children’s wellbeing throughout their lives.
This Training module on malaria elimination has been developed by WHO to support health professionals in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating malaria elimination programmes.
Supporting exercises: These files are necessary for participants to complete a number of exercises listed in the man...ual. Please go to the website:
PlosOne; Zoonotic diseases have varying public health burden and socio-economic impact across time and geographical settings making their prioritization for prevention and control important at the national level. We conducted systematic prioritization of ...zoonotic diseases and developed a ranked list of these diseases that would guide allocation of resources to enhance their surveillance, prevention, and control.
The BBV/STI Glossary is a resource for interpreters, translators and others who work in a health setting. It offers an extensive list of English terms related to sexual health and blood-borne viruses (such as hepatitis), with easy to understand definitions.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist is a tool intended to improve the quality of care for women and babies at the time of childbirth. The Checklist is an organized list of evidence-based essential birth practices targeting major causes of maternal deaths, intrapartum-related stillbirths and neonatal d...eaths that occur in facilities around the world. An implementation guide has been developed alongside this Checklist to help facilities successfully implement it.
Learn more about the Ebola virus and how to avoid it. Free online course.
Having completed this course the learner will be able to: - Describe what the Ebola virus is; - List the countries where the outbreak has occurred; - Explain what the signs and symptoms of an infection are; - Explain how an i...nfection is treated; - Explain how to avoid becoming infected
his two minutes and forty seconds animated video provides basic information and precautions on how to protect self from Ebola virus disease. It also outlines modes of transmission, symptoms, as well as the top-listed frequently asked questions.
The UMN’s Center for Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) has developed an excellent portal, which links to the most important sources of information. Many journals and newspapers have also created their own resource lists, including The Lancet, The New York Times, and Science
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Hindi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Marathi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Kannada version
Accessed 13 January 2015
Chapter 16: Managing medicine selection - Key topics: the concept of essential medicines; selection of essential medicines and development of essential medicines lists, formularies, and treatment guidelines. - The rationale for selecting a limited number of essential medicines is that it may lead better supply, more rational use, and lower costs.