Manual de Protocolos 2013
Mais pessoas morrem a cada ano de doenças cardiovasculares do que de qualquer outra causa. Mais de três quartos das mortes por doenças cardíacas e acidentes vasculares cerebrais ocorrem em países de baixa e média renda. A hipertensão - ou pressão alta - é uma condição médica grave que au...menta significativamente o risco de doenças cardíacas, cerebrais, renais e outras doenças. A hipertensão pode ser definida usando níveis específicos de pressão sistólica e diastólica ou o uso reportado de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos.
Esta nueva hoja de ruta traza el camino a seguir para las acciones a nivel de país con el fin de alcanzar un ambicioso conjunto de objet ivos de prevención del VIH para 2025. Estos objetivos surgieron de la Declaración Política sobre el VIH y el sida de 2021, que la Asamblea General de las Nacio...nes Unidas adoptó en junio de 2021 y están respaldados por la Estrategia mundial contra el sida (2021-2026). La Estrategia establece los principios, los enfoques, el área de acción prioritaria y los objetivos programáticos para la respuesta mundial al VIH.
El objetivo de estas directrices es presentar el conjunto completo de recomendaciones y declaraciones de buenas prácticas de la OMS sobre el aborto
Over 6 million people worldwide are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas disease
(CD). T. cruzi is transmitted by triatomine insects, congenitally, through uncontrolled blood donations and organ transplants,
and via consumption of food or drink contaminated by triatomi...nes.
En la reunión de alto nivel de las Naciones Unidas del 2018 se fijó el objetivo de tratar al menos a 40 millones de personas con tuberculosis (TB) entre el 2018 y el 2022; sin embargo, en el 2021 ese objetivo solo se había cumplido en un 66%. Las pruebas diagnósticas son fundamentales para logra...r el objetivo, pero constituyen un eslabón débil en la continuidad de la atención. Las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido recomendadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (PDRO) son sumamente precisas, acortan el tiempo hasta el inicio del tratamiento, influyen en resultados importantes para el paciente y son costo-eficaces. Aunque el objetivo para el año 2025 es que todos los pacientes notificados se hagan inicialmente una PDRO, en el 2021 tan solo el 38% se hizo una PDRO como prueba inicial, y se determinó que el acceso a las pruebas diagnósticas era un problema crítico. Una de las principales consecuencias del uso insuficiente de las PDRO es la gran brecha en la detección de la farmacorresistencia. La presente Norma de la OMS: Acceso universal a las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido de la tuberculosis se basa en las directrices de la OMS y en el manual operativo conexo
An Indicator-based Approach - This manual presents an indicator-based approach for rapidly assessing pharmaceutical management systems and programs. The manual contains a set of 46 indicators of performance, grouped under eight topics of pharmaceutical management, with each topic being covered by a ...subset of indicators. Thirty-four of the indicators are quantitative, that is, expressed as numbers. Twelve are qualitative, in that they describe the presence or absence of a policy or management system, and in some cases, the degree of implementation.
This field study to measure access to and use of medicines was undertaken in GHANA in May-June 2008. The study assessed information on the socio-economic level of households, and access to and use of medicines for acute and chronic conditions as well as opinions and perceptio...ns about medicines. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, six reference public heath care facilities were selected among those participating in the Level II Facility Survey that was carried out in parallel. Within defined distances from each reference public health care facility, households were selected by purposive cluster sampling. A total of 1065 household respondents were interviewed by means of a structured paper questionnaire
Fact Book on WHO Level I and Level II monitoring indicators - To monitor the progress of efforts to improve the global medicines situation, WHO has developed a system of indicators that measure important aspects of a country’s pharmaceutical situation. Level 1 indicators measure the existence and ...performance of key national pharmaceutical structures and processes. Level II indicators measure key outcomes of these structures and processes in the areas of access, product quality and rational use. These indicators can be used to assess progress over time; to compare situations between countries; and to reassess and prioritize efforts based on the results.
This Fact Book gives the results of the assessment of Level I indicators conducted in 2003 and of Level II indicator surveys conducted between 2002 and 2004
Pharmaceutical system assessments are useful to diagnose problems, plan major projects and interventions, monitor progress, and compare the performance of one system with that of another. Recent years have seen a growth in demand for such assessments because of the global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tubercu...losis and Malaria’s policy to conduct procurement and supply management (PSM) assessments as a grant condition. To produce useful results, all assessments should be structured.
This field study to assess the pharmaceutical situation was undertaken in Ghana in May-June 2008 using a standardized methodology developed by the World Health Organization. The study assessed medicines availability and affordability, geographical accessibility, quality and r...ational use among other issues. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, 6 public health care facilities, 12 private pharmacies and 1 warehouse were surveyed.
A user-friendly instrument designed to collect and calculate indicators of effective inventory management. The IMAT guides the user through a process of collecting data on the physical and theoretical stock balance and the duration of stockouts for a set of up to 25 frequently-used products, calcula...ting indicators, analyzing the results, and identifying strategies for improving record-keeping and stock management practices. The IMAT comes as a computerized spreadsheet in Excel and includes instructions, a data collection form, analysis guidelines, recommendations, and a graphical display of the indicator results.
This Indicator-Based Pharmacovigilance Assessment Tool (IPAT) was developed as a comprehensive performance metric for pharmacovigilance and medicine safety systems.
PURPOSE: To assess the appropriateness of computerizing a health facility warehouse. If users are interested in receiving technical assistance to improve and/or computerize the logistics information system, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) will analyze the responses to determine the initial step...s in this process.
DESCRIPTION: A multiple-choice, self-evaluation questionnaire that covers basic information about the type and quantity of products managed in the warehouse; the procurement, distribution, and inventory management processes; and information technology. Analysis guidelines help users assess the usefulness and feasibility of computerization and determine their management system's readiness for computerizing the logistics management information system.