Capítulo J.3
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Ana Pérez
Chapitre A.5
Edition en français
Traduction : Eleanor O’Boyle
Sous la direction de : Priscille Gérardin
Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Q7: What is the effectiveness, safety and role of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, within non- specialist health care for children with a diagnosis of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
Indian J Psychiatry. 2017 Jan; 59(Suppl 1): S67–S73.
doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, was devastated by an earthquake in 2010. The disaster uncovered the realities of a non-existent mental health care system with only ten psychiatrists nationwide. Attempts were made to assess the increased prevalence of mental illness, likely due to t...he trauma to which many were exposed. Several interventions were carried out with aims to integrate mental health into primary health care services. The interplay between socio-cultural beliefs and health (both mental and physical) in Haiti has been widely commented upon by both foreign aid and local caregivers. Observations frequently highlight barriers to the willingness of patients to seek care and to their acceptance of biomedicine over traditional Vodou beliefs. The perception of Haitian beliefs as barriers to the availability and acceptance of mental health care has intensified the difficulty in providing effective recommendations and interventions both before and after the earthquake. Argued in this review is the importance of considering the interactions between socio-cultural beliefs and mental health when developing models for the prevention, screening, classification and management of mental illness in Haiti. These interactions, especially relevant in mental health care and post-disaster contexts, need to be acknowledged in any healthcare setting. The successes and failures of Haiti’s situation provide an example for global consideration.
In recent years Terre des Hommes Netherlands observed the steady rise of a new form of child sexual exploitation. One that is enabled and fuelled by rapid technological advances, increasing global connectivity, persisting poverty rates, and growing disparity in the global distribution of resources. ...Terre des Hommes Netherlands received alarming signals from collaborating project partners from the Philippines that new commercial child exploitation trades are evolving and spreading parallel to rising global Internet access rates and developments in communications technology.
Webcam child sex tourism is evidently growing, closely related to child prostitution, child trafficking and child abuse. What is not clear however, are the psychological and social consequences of this new phenomenon. To date, no research has been done on the psychosocial consequences of webcam sex for children. The aim of this research is therefore to gain more knowledge on the psychosocial consequences of webcam child sex tourism for children and to give insight into the antecedent factors that play a role.
Capter A.1
Ethics and international child and adolescent psychiatry
SIGN 143. A national clinical guideline
Published May 2015, Revised 2018
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with depression.
• Recognize common symptoms of depression.
• Know the assessment principles of depression.
• Know the management principles of depression.
• Perform an assessment for depression.
• Use effective... communication skills in interactions with people with depression.
• Assess and manage physical health conditions as well as depression.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of depression (see Module: Self-harm/
• Provide psychosocial interventions for people with depression and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate, considering special
• Plan and perform follow-up for depression.
• Refer to specialists and link with outside services where appropriate and available.
WHO recommends interpersonal therapy (IPT) as a possible first line treatment for depression. With this new manual, the World Health Organization (WHO) gives guidance on the use of interpersonal therapy (IPT) using a 8 session group protocol. The manual - which is part of WHO’s mhGAP programme - d...escribes IPT in a simplified format for use by supervised facilitators who may not have received previous training in mental health.
Available in Swahili and Farsi
PLoS Med. 2009 Oct;6(10):e1000159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000159. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 27 : 390–403 (2010