Opiates, cocaine, cannabis
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
World Drug Report 2018
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
A summary of the national drug situation
A summary of the national drug situation
A summary of the national drug situation
An Evidence-Based Treatment Guide for Clinicians
Psychosocial support is a very important component in Gender Based Violence response that provide appropriate care, protection and social integration. Psychological aspects affect thoughts, emotions, behavior, memory, learning ability, perceptions and understanding. While the social aspects have ef...fects on relationships, often shaped by traditions, culture ,values, family and community, but also include one’s status in the community and economic wellbeing. These have different effects on the women, men, boys and girls as victims /survivors and perpetuators.
Otros trastornos
Capítulo H.5
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: María Fernanda Prieto
Volume 20, September
Global smart update
SCOPING QUESTION: In the management of prescription opioid dependence, does supervised dosing with a long-acting opioid medication result in less opioid use and related harms than non-prescription, detoxification or usual care?
This new guidance aims to support programme implementers, coordinators and others in humanitarian settings in their actions to counter suicide and self-harm in humanitarian contexts and to save lives.
Updated guidance. The guidance provides useful information to staff working in prisons, as well as to health and prison authorities, explaining how to prevent and address a potential outbreak of COVID-19. In addition, it aims to protect the health and well-being of all those who live and work in, an...d visit, these settings and the general population at large. People deprived of their liberty, and living or working in enclosed environments in close proximity, are likely to be more vulnerable to the COVID-19 disease than the general population. Moreover, correctional facilities may amplify and enhance COVID-19 transmission beyond their walls.