Recommendations on the management of diabetes mellitis during the COVID-19 pandemic
Instructional Manual for the care of pregnant and postpartum women in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
Este Manual de Recomendações para a Assistência à Gestante e Puérpera visa orientar o acesso e a horizontalidade da assistência durante a pandemia Covid-19, abordando as vias de transmis...são, o diagnóstico precoce e o adequado manejo das gestantes e puérperas nas diversas fases da infecção, definindo diretrizes que evitem a morbimortalidade materna e os agravos ao concepto.
Módulo 1
Julho de 2017
Módulo 1: Clínico. Este módulo é destinado a profissionais de saúde como médicos, enfermeiros e auxiliares e traz um resumo sobre como prover a PrEP de forma segura e efetiva, abordando vários aspectos: triagem de pessoas com risco substancial de contr...air o HIV;
ódulo 1: Clínico. Este módulo é destinado a profissionais de saúde como médicos, enfermeiros e auxiliares e traz um resumo sobre como prover a PrEP de forma segura e efetiva, abordando vários aspectos: triagem de pessoas com risco substancial de contrair o HIV; testagem de HIV antes de iniciar a PrEP e como acompanhar usuários de PrEP e oferecer aconselhamento sobre adesão.
This report summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on the links between exposure to air pollution and adverse health effects in children. It is intended to inform and motivate individual and collective action by health care professionals to prevent damage to children’s health from exposure to ...air pollution. Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles in both the ambient environment and in the household causes about seven million premature deaths each year. Ambient air pollution (AAP) alone imposes enormous costs on the global economy, amounting to more than US$ 5 trillion in total welfare losses in 2013.
Disinfection of drinking-water supplies has been one of the most significant public health advancements of the last century with respect to reducing waterborne disease.
Although chlorine has been used as the disinfectant of choice for public drinking-water supplies for the past century, a numbe...r of emerging or alternative compounds are used or are being considered for the disinfection of drinking-water.
This series reviews the state of the knowledge on the application, efficacy and toxicity of bromine, iodine and silver as drinking-water disinfectants.
En 2015, 26 % des décès de 5,9 millions d'enfants de moins de cinq ans auraient pu être évités si les facteurs de risque
environnementaux avaient été pris en compte – cette possibilité manquée de sauver des vies est révoltante. La période prénatale
et de la petite enfance constitue source de vulnérabilité particulière, les menaces environnementales pouvant provoquer une
naissance prématurée et d'autres complications, et accroître le risque de maladies chroniques, et notamment de troubles respiratoires, de maladie cardiovasculaire et de cancer. L'environnement est donc un facteur majeur de la santé des enfants et offre d'importantes possibilités d'amélioration dont les effets se manifestent dans toutes les régions du monde.
This report summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on the links between exposure to air pollution and adverse health effects in children. It is intended to inform and motivate individual and collective action by health care professionals to prevent damage to children’s health from exposure to ...air pollution.
Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles in both the ambient environment and in the household causes about seven million premature deaths each year. Ambient air pollution alone imposes enormous costs on the global economy, amounting to more than US$ 5 trillion in total welfare losses in 2013.
This public health crisis is receiving more attention, but one critical aspect is often overlooked: how air pollution affects children in uniquely damaging ways. Recent data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that air pollution has a vast and terrible impact on child health and survival. Globally, 93% of all children live in environments with air pollution levels above the WHO guidelines (see the full report, Air pollution and child health: prescribing clean air. More than one in every four deaths of children under 5 years of age is directly or indirectly related to environmental risks. Both ambient air pollution and household air pollution contribute to respiratory tract infections that resulted in 543 000 deaths in children under the age of 5 years in 2016.
Key populations brief
Accessed 2017
Rapport sur les populations clès
Accessed November 2017
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group
For Populations At Risk For HIV
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group
Rehabilitation in health systems provides recommendations for Member States and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen and expand the availability of quality rehabilitation services. Currently, there is a significant unmet need for rehabilitation services and it is frequently undervalued in the h...ealth system. As populations age and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and injuries increases, and the demand for rehabilitation grows, strengthening rehabilitation in health systems becomes ever more paramount.
En 2015, 5,9 millions d'enfants de moins de cinq ans sont décédés (1). Les principales causes de mortalité infantile dans le monde sont la pneumonie, la prématurité, les complications durant l'accouchement, la septicémie néonatale, les anomalies congénitales, la diarrhée, les tra...umatismes accidentels et le paludisme (2). La plupart de ces maladies et de ces problèmes sont, du moins en partie, causés par l'environnement. On a estimé en 2012 que 26 % des décès infantiles et 25 % de la charge totale de morbidité des enfants de moins de cinq ans pourraient être évités par la réduction des risques environnement aux tels que la pollution de l'air, l'insalubrité de l'eau, les mauvaises conditions d'hygiène et d'assainissement ou les produits chimiques.
Рекомендации ВОЗ по оказанию дородовой помощи для формирования положительного опыта беременности
Neurology, Published online before print 15 Jul 2016. Open Access
The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance to Member States on the practical aspects of maintaining sanitary standards at international borders at ports, airports, and ground crossings (points of entry) as set out in the International Health Regulations (2005). It provides technical advice ...for developing a comprehensive programme for systematic monitoring of disease vectors and integrated vector control at points of entry. This includes standardizing procedures at points of entry and ensuring a sufficient monitoring and response capacity with the necessary infrastructure for surveillance and control of vectors. In addition, this handbook to serves as reference material for port health officers, regulators, port operators, and other competent authorities in charge of implementing the IHR (2005) at points of entry and on conveyances.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin Nr.2 /2016, S.16