Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (High Grade) | This consensus document on management of non- hodgkin’s lymphoma – high grade summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molec...ular markers and research questions. It also interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Expert Group on Immunophenotyping of Hematolymphoid Neoplasms | Coordinated by Division of Non Communicable Diseases | This document addresses on various issue related to good quality practices in laboratory work up of flow cytometric immunophenotyping and will be of to pathologists, cytometrists, hematologists, technologists and scientists working in this field.
India | The ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Care, Protection and Rehabilitation of Children in Street Situations’, is a unique endeavour to streamline the processes and interventions regarding Children in Street Situations, based on the prevailing legal and policy framework.
A Product of the Asian American Psychological Association Leadership Fellows Program | Information about: What is a traumatic event? | Types of traumatic events | Complex trauma | Common symptoms of childhood exposure to trauma and violence | Popular myths about childhood trauma | Trauma prevalence... and key findings regarding Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) children and families | Seeking help for Childhood trauma.
Strengthening of SDB teams through refresher trainings and regular simulation exercises/drills
Continue social mobilization and community engagement through mobile cinema and community awareness sessions
Procure and preposition additional PPE kits
Version 1.7 Updated October 14, 2010 | Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) is a theory-driven, manualized protocol based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with modifications for young children. Some of these modifications involve parent-child relationship dynamics that are salient for this age grou...p.
Child sex trafficking is a severe form of trauma exposure that has significant immediate and long-term consequences for survivors. According to the United Nations International Labor Organization, in 2016 more than 1 million children worldwide were victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Currentl...y, no reliable estimate of the prevalence of child sex trafficking in the US exists, in part due to its hidden nature, disparities in definitions, and methodological challenges.
The figures and findings reflected in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) represent the independent analysis
of the United Nations (UN) and its humanitarian partners based on information available to them. While the HNO aims
to provide consolidated humanitarian analysis and data to help inf...orm joint strategic humanitarian planning, many of
the figures provided throughout the document are estimates based on sometimes incomplete and partial data sets using
the methodologies for collection that were available at the time. The Government of Syria has expressed its reservations
over the data sources and methodology of assessments used to inform the HNO, as well as on a number of HNO findings.
The 12 Core Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families
provide a rationale for trauma-informed assessment and intervention. The Concepts cover a broad
range of points that practitioners and agencies should consider as they strive to assess, understand,
and trauma-exposed children, families, and communities in trauma-informed ways.
Environmental Pollution
299 deaths have been recorded and 329 people are still missing, according to the Government.
• Latest assessments indicate that the homes of some tens of thousands of people have been destroyed or damaged beyond habitability. Most of these people are staying with hosts in the extended community.
• Revised Flash Appeal requires US$294 million to respond to the drought and Cyclone Idai.
• Food Cluster partners have so far assisted an estimated 30,000 people in the worst-affected areas of Chimanimani and Chipinge.
• Access to a sufficient quantity of water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene has been restored for 43,000 people.
• Eight clusters have been activated to bolster the humanitarian response effort in support to the Government of Zimbabwe,
PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
Ce document a été élaboré par Peter Ventevogel, consultant, sous la supervision de Marian Schilperoord. Les versions préliminaires de cette publication ont grandement bénéficié de la contribution de plusieurs personnes au sein de l’UNHCR et d’organisations partenaires. Nous voudrions tou...t particulièrement remercier les collègues suivants pour leur relecture du document : A l’UNHCR: Gregory Garras, Sarah Harrison, Alexandra Kaun, Stefanie Krause, Preeta Law, Allen Gidraf Kahindo Maina, MaryBeth Morand, Audrey Nirrengarten, Martina Nicole Pomeroy, Monika Sandvik-Nylund, Ita Sheehy, Paul Spiegel, Margriet Veenma and Constanze Quosh. Dans les autres organisations: Carolina Echeverri (consultante SMSPS) Sabine Rakotomalala (UNICEF), Emmanuel Streel (consultant SMSPS), Wietse Tol (Université Johns Hopkins) Mark van Ommeren (OMS) et Inka Weissbecker (International Medical Corps).