Im Ausland zu leben und zu arbeiten, ist eine Gelegenheit, eine vollkommen andere Lebens-weise kennenzulernen. Als zurückgekehrte/-r Freiwillige/-r der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit kannst du diesen Erfahrungsschatz nutzen, um zu Hause bei anderen Menschen ein Bewusstsein für globale Themen zu schaff...en. Durch die Mit-arbeit an einem Projekt während deines Freiwilli-gendienstes hast du eine praktische Sichtweise auf die Auswirkungen und Ursachen von Armut und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit gewonnen, die viele andere nicht haben. Das macht dich als Vermitt-lerIn zwischen dem globalen Süden und Norden glaubwürdig und als BerichterstatterIn authen-tisch. Worin entwicklungspolitisches Engagement von Deutschland aus bestehen kann, dazu möchte dieses Handbuch Anregungen geben.
Spectrum | Autism Research News
You are currently intervening or wishing to intervene in a dense urban context to
respond to issues of food security and improve livelihood conditions? This handbook
is for you!
Following the evaluation of all of its sack-gardening projects, SOLIDARITÉS
INTERNATIONAL (SI) wished to formalise... its experience through this technical
NGOs, including SI, are increasingly led to intervene in contexts of high density (whether
in camps or in slums): this handbook is thus set within this dynamic.
It provides the keys for assessing the relevance of a sack-gardening project, as well as
the tools for its implementation. Nonetheless, all methodologies and tools proposed
in this handbook shall be further contextualised in case of a replication of this project.
DHS Working Papers No. 90.
DHS Working Papers No. 83.
DHS Working Papers No. 120
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
This report provides insights into the prevalence of belief systems and gender norms among young women and men in the region. It looks in depth at the most entrenched beliefs and behaviours among the younger population and provides ample evidence that we must challenge and change the prevailing beli...ef systems and gender norms if we are to make real progress in guaranteeing the right of all women and girls to a life free from violence.
From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic until August 2021, extreme weather events have affected at least 139.2 million people and killed at least 17,242 people in at least 433 unique events. These figures are certainly an underestimate, as they do not include estimates of numbers of people affected extreme temperatures, or mortality during drought events.
One dimension of the compound risk of COVID-19 and climate extremes was the additional challenge of preparing for and responding to disasters during the pandemic, such as the constraints of physical distancing during evacuations and response operations.
This briefing note summarizes work undertaken by UN Women and WHO to inform the development of a module on violence against women 60 years and older that can be included in dedicated surveys on violence against women. It provides an overview of the challenges in the availability, measurement, and co...llection of data on violence against older women. It also makes recommendations to address some of the issues identified, with the aim of strengthening ongoing and future data collection efforts on violence against older women and increasing its availability.
Developed as part of the UN Women–WHO Global Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data, this methodological briefing note is one in a series that aims to strengthen the measurement and data collection of violence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women. These briefing notes are meant for researchers, national statistics offices, and others involved in data collection on violence against women. They seek to contribute to strengthening the quality and availability of data on violence against women and enhance global, regional, and national level monitoring of progress towards its elimination.
DHS Analytical Studies No. 41