Ce plan intégré de lutte contre les MNT au Burkina Faso tient compte dans une large mesure des résultats de cette enquête et des cibles principales du nouveau plan mondial de lutte contre les MNT 2013-20201
. S’inscrivant dans la logique du PNDS, il s’est voulu multisectoriel et intègre tr...ois principaux piliers de la stratégie mondiale de
lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles 2013-2020, à savoir la surveillance, la
prévention et la prestation de soins de santé dans le cadre de systèmes de santé.
L’Agenda pour l’action contre l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants à des fins commerciales fournit un cadre détaillé et établit des catégories d’actions devant être prises par les gouvernements en partenariat
avec les organisations de la société civile et les autres acteurs-clés pou...r combattre les crimes sexuels
de nature commerciale commis contre les enfants. De manière générale, ces actions se concentrent
sur 1) la Coordination et la Coopération, 2) la Prévention, 3) la Protection, 4) le Rétablissement et la
Réinsertion et 5) la Participation des enfants.
Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (A/HRC/33/53) (Advance edited version)
This note sets out actions to be undertaken throughout the humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) to fulfill commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and to ensure that protection is central to humanitarian response. It sets out the fundamental link between accountability systems and ...protection in humanitarian action, and then describes, for each stage of the HPC, the accountability mechanisms that should be established and actions required at country-level.
This report considers how to integrate health into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, so as to support the implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of the New Urban Agenda.
ICAAP12 Secretariat
Partners in population and development, Dhaka, Bangladesh June 2016
The 2012 NDRMP lays out the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) architecture of the country and provides guidance for DRM intervention at all levels. However, implementation has been slow and resource challenges exist throughout the government.
The PNG government’s policy and institutional framework... for DRM still faces numerous obstacles. The main challenges in moving towards a more proactive and systematic approach to manage risks and build resilience include 1.) the limited coordination between DRM and Climate Change Adaptation agencies; 2.) the slow migration from emphasis on response to risk reduction and management; 3.) the limited institutional capacity for planning and design of risk informed investments; and 4.) the lack of available historic natural hazard data, which hinders the assessment of risks.
National Tuberculosis Control Program; Mycobacterial Disease Control National AIDS/STD Program
Volume 2 · Supplement 4 · November 2016
ISSN 2055-66-40 – Print
| ISSN 2055-66-59 – Online
The study analyses the current situation of children with disabilities in relation to realizing their rights and accessing basic services, as well as their life experiences in their communities. It also focuses on identifying the barriers created by society that prevent children with disabilities fr...om enjoying their human rights. This includes identifying negative attitudes; environmental and communication barriers; gaps in policies or their effective implementation.
The report reveals that children with disabilities in Myanmar are less likely to access services in health or education; rarely have their voices heard in society; and face daily discrimination as objects of pity. It also highlights how inadequate policies and legislation contribute to the challenges these children face.
The information available in this publication should be useful for policy makers, development partners and Disabled Persons Organisations to promote the realization of the rights of all children with disabilities.
The report is based on comprehensive information collected at representative sample health facilities all over the country by well-organized and trained teams during May and August 2015. This is a continuation of 2014 Assessment activities and findings also reflect comparison between two consecutive... years.
This report is not a formal evaluation, but rather a synthesis of the experiences, observations, and recommendations of a large group of experienced post-disaster shelter and recovery experts gathered from interviews, surveys, and direct discussions, and information derived from a desk review of the... wide variety of available evaluations and reports.
BMC Res Notes (2016) 9:182 DOI 10.1186/s13104-016-1993-7