Вариативные рекомендации 24 сентября 2021 г.
Этот документ представляет собой текущие рекомендации ВОЗ. В них будут вноситься изменения и дополнения,
касающиеся нов...ых средств для лечения COVID-19, в том числе гидроксихлорохина и комбинации лопинавира и
ритонавира . Размещение, распространение и обновление данных рекомендаций происходит в приложении
MAGICapp, а их формат и структура обеспечивают для пользователей удобство работы и поиска. Реализована
функция постоянного обновления информации, относящейся к действующим положениям, которая позволяет
знакомиться с новыми данными наряду с актуальными рекомендациями. В разделе 4 описаны основные
методологические аспекты процедуры составления вариативных рекомендаций.
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3379
Rapid Recommendation and visual graph. This is the fifth version (update 4) of the living guideline (BMJ 2020;370:m3379). When citing this article, please consider adding the update number and date of access for clarity. The publication of the RE...COVERY and REMAP-CAP randomised controlled trials triggered this guideline update, resulting in a strong recommendation for interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor blockers (tocilizumab or sarilumab) in patients with severe or critical covid-19.
Prior recommendations: (a) A recommendation not to use ivermectin in patients with covid-19, regardless of disease severity, except in the context of a clinical trial; (b) a strong recommendation against the use of hydroxychloroquine in patients with covid-19, regardless of disease severity; (c) a strong recommendation against the use of lopinavir-ritonavir in patients with covid-19, regardless of disease severity; (d) a strong recommendation for systemic corticosteroids in patients with severe and critical covid-19; (e) a conditional recommendation against systemic corticosteroids in patients with non-severe covid-19; and (f) a conditional recommendation against remdesivir in hospitalised patients with covid-19.
This document aims to support those working in primary care to strengthen IPC, informed by existing WHO IPC guidance and implementation resources. Many of the existing WHO IPC guidance and implementation resources initially developed for acute health care facilities have a potential utility for IPC ...in primary care. However, navigating these resources to locate relevant content for IPC in primary care can be challenging as some documents can span over 100 pages. This document extracts relevant content, bringing together existing WHO IPC standards, indicators and implementation approaches that are focused on, or directly relevant to IPC in primary care. It should also be used to identify resources suitable for use in primary care that can be embedded within relevant IPC or other health programmes.
MEDBOX Dossier no. 16. 28 Sept 2021.
De nombreuses études ont montré l'efficacité de la vaccination contre le COVID-19 et le fait qu'elle protège contre les maladies graves.
maladie grave. Un taux de vaccination élevé est nécessaire pour combattre la pandémie dans le monde entier. En raiso...n de la désinformation et des mythes, les gens hésitent encore beaucoup à se faire vacciner. Dans ce dossier, nous souhaitons vous présenter différents mythes et vous fournir du matériel éducatif sur ces sujets et vous fournir du matériel éducatif sur les sujets respectifs à communiquer dans le MEDBOX.
This inter-agency guidance document aims to supplement the COVAX demand creation package for COVID-19 vaccines with key considerations for humanitarian contexts and marginalized populations with specific access and communication needs.
21 Sept.2021
Cette ressource a été élaborée pour faciliter le développement de plans d’action nationaux stratégiques et bien coordonnés afin de contrer rapidement la désinformation sur les vaccins et d’encourager la demande de vaccination éclairée par l’écoute sociale.
Document d'orientation pour le personnel de santé
Orientations provisoires 19 juillet 2021
Cet article fait partie d’une série d’explications à propos de la mise au point et de la distribution des vaccins.
Available in different languages
More than 700 000 people lose their life to suicide every year. The world is not on track to reach the 2030 suicide reduction targets. WHO advocates for countries to take action to prevent suicide, ideally through a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. Governments and communities can ...contribute to suicide prevention by implementing LIVE LIFE – WHO’s approach to starting suicide prevention so that countries can build on it further to develop a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. The guide is for all countries, with or without a national suicide prevention strategy; national or local focal points for suicide prevention, mental health, alcohol or NCDs; and community stakeholders with a vested interest or who may already be engaged in implementing suicide prevention activities.
Excecutive Summary available in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanisch here:
This training module is designed to equip HWs with knowledge and communication skills to build their confidence and support them in their ability to promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among other HWs.
La presente publicación describe un resumen de la evidencia científica disponible sobre el uso de Cloroquina e hidroxicloroquina, así como su profilaxis y tratamiento para COVID-19.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
La presente publicación describe la evidencia científica disponible sobre la efectividad del uso de mascarillas o respiradores en la prevención y control de infecciones respiratorias virales incluido COVID-19 a nivel comunitario y hospitalario. Se identificaron 778 estudios publicados hasta abril... de 2020 como parte de la búsqueda sistemática de evidencias (320 población general y 452 personal de salud). Siete estudios fueron seleccionados para responder a las preguntas de investigación de los cuales cinco fueron ensayos clínicos respecto al subgrupo de población general y una revisión sistemática y un ensayo clínico respecto al subgrupo de personal de salud.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
La presente publicación describe las medidas de bioseguridad para disminuir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19 durante la atención estomatológica., así como las actividades y procedimientos del personal que brinda atención estomatológica para disminuir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19.
Note d’information scientifique, 17 juin 2021