Research Article | Aim: This study aimed to find the most common stressors facing the adolescents in the Gaza Strip, to explore the types and severity of the traumatic experiences, and to estimate the prevalence rate of post-traumatic events.
J Trauma Crit Care 2017 Volume 1 Issue 2 pp-25-33
Rund drei Viertel der in Deutschland lebenden Flüchtlinge aus Syrien, dem Irak und Afghanistan sind nach Gewalterlebnissen traumatisiert.
This briefing paper provides an overview of the approach underlying EA, how and by whom it is applied and its problems and consequences. It concludes that policy makers, rather than be guided by its assumptions and conclusions, must instead concentrate on the confounding structural causes of interdependent global challenges and aim at their long-term solution, within an overarching human rights framework.
Accessed: 10.03.2019
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
информационный бюллетень по теме инсульт
Volume 20, September
Global smart update
Chapter A.4
2017 edition
Mood disorders
Chapter E.4
2018 edition
Other disorders
Chapter H.3
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Providing community-based mental health services position paper
The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is enshrined in many international human rights treaties. However, studies have shown that people with mental disabilities are often marginalized and discriminated against in the fulfillment of their right to... health. The aim of this study is to identify and reach a broader understanding of barriers to the right to mental health in the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. Eleven semi-structured interviews were carried out with health professionals and administrators.
The concept of mental disorder is determined by many factors, including the historical context, cultural influence, level of scientific knowledge and capacity to carry out scientific enquiry, level of education in certain circumstances, as well as many others. In putting together a method of classif...ication of mental disorders, the expert’s duty is primarily that of capturing and remaining faithful to the current level of knowledge in the subject, acknowledging that, in a matter of time, some or all the above factors could change to variable degrees, making what was clear as a mental disorder a few decades previously less clear in the next edition of the classification system.
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.4
“Effective Altruism” — What it is, how philanthropic foundations use it and what are its risks and side-effects
Session outline
•Introduction to epilepsy.
•Assessment of epilepsy.
•Management of epilepsy.
•Follow-up of a person with epilepsy.
•Review or materials and skills.
The seven essential features of practice for scaling up are described with great clarity. They are practical and universal, and encourage local innovation. They include policy, funding and local management structure, as well as working with all possible partners and developing local context adaptati...ons. The case studies give ideas and inspiration to develop new programmes and find ways around obstacles in existing programmes, especially through involving those with most at stake including users and their families and local community leaders
SRHR, HIV AND AIDS Governance Manual
his manual is for people who have had no formal training in counselling but wish to learn the necessary components to establishing an effective counselling relationship. It will be useful for anyone who is involved in counselling people with a mental health problem. manual aims at providing counsellors with information about the basic skills required in counselling in a practical and simple to understand format. It is meant to accompany the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) and Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) manuals for counselling patients with depression and harmful/dependent drinking in primary care settings.