Реабилитационный потенциал социально-психологического сопровождения семей с проблемами химической зависимости предлагается рассматривать как ресурс преодолен...ия аддикций Актуальность исследования обусловле- на необходимостью разработки базового подхода — научно-доказательно- го обоснования организации психологической помощи семье с проблемой алкогольной и/или наркотической зависимости
Model Chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals
Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Pakistan
Spetember 2020
The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
Based on Human Rights Watch (HRW)'s reporting on the human rights dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic (see Related Summary, and the video, below), this document presents 40 questions to provoke thinking about a rights-respecting response to the crisis. The questions address the needs - including aro...und issues of information and communication - of groups most at risk, such as people living in poverty, ethnic and religious minorities, women, people with disabilities, older people, migrants, refugees, children, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The resource also identifies a variety of responses to the crisis, some of which are positive and others problematic - with many links to related stories and resources online.
En la actualidad, los daños que sufren los pacientes a causa de una atención poco segura constituyen un desafío
importante y creciente para la salud pública mundial y son una de las principales causas de muerte y discapacidad
en todo el mundo. La mayor parte de estos daños son evitables. Ahor...a que los países se esfuerzan por alcanzar la
cobertura sanitaria universal y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, los efectos beneficiosos de un mayor acceso
a los servicios de atención de la salud pueden verse socavados por una atención poco segura. Los incidentes
relacionados con la seguridad de los pacientes pueden causar muerte y discapacidad, así como sufrimiento a
las víctimas y sus familias. Los costos económicos que conllevan los fallos de seguridad son elevados. A menudo
se reduce la confianza del público en los sistemas de salud locales cuando se dan a conocer estos accidentes.
El personal de salud implicado en sucesos graves que implican la muerte o un daño grave a un paciente
también puede sufrir un deterioro psicológico duradero y sentimientos de culpa y autocrítica muy arraigados
Руководство ВОЗ по политике и практике информирования о рисках при чрезвычайных ситуациях (ИРЧС)
Looking forward, the 2019-2020 Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) for the DRC situation aims at addressing the needs of new arrivals of Congolese refugees in the region, and those in protracted situations. By supporting livelihoods opportunities and through a resilience-based approach, refugees w...ill be able to contribute to the development of their host countries, and of their country of origin upon their return. Given the limited capacity of host communities to support the impact of massive numbers of refugees, the response strategy will also address the needs of local populations, strengthening peaceful co-existence and building social cohesion.
Healthy communities rely on well-functioning ecosystems. They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. They also limit disease and stabilize the climate. But biodiversity loss is happening at unprecedented rates, impacting human health worldwide, according to a new state of knowl...edge review of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and WHO.
The report synthesizes the available information on the most important inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and epidemic infectious diseases such as the Ebola virus; and the connection between biodiversity, nutritional diversity and health. It also covers the potential benefits of closer partnerships between conservation and health, from improved surveillance of infectious diseases in wildlife and human populations, to promoting access to green spaces to promote physical activity and mental health. It also highlights the many areas in which further research is needed.
The Joint report hopes to provide a useful reference for the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which represents an unique opportunity to promote integrated approaches to biodiversity and health by highlighting that biodiversity contributes to human well-being, and highlighting that biodiversity needs protection for development to be sustainable.
Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review
2nd edition. The interagency field handbook on malaria control was developed to set out effective malaria control responses in humanitarian emergencies, particularly during the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. This second edition represents a thorough u...pdating and revision of the first edition. The structure remains similar, but includes an additional chapter on humanitarian coordination. All chapters have been revised to reflect changes in best practices, improvements in technologies, availability of new tools, and changes in WHO recommendations.
An ALNAP Guide. Pilot Version.
This pilot guide is intended to help evaluation managers to commission and oversee, and team leaders to conduct, RTEs of humanitarian operational responses. Drawing on a synthesis of existing good practices, it sets out a flexible approach that can be adapted to a var...iety of contexts. While it concentrates on the particular problems posed by RTEs undertaken within a few months of the start of an emergency response, it addresses how such RTEs can also feed into on-going operations. While the guide focuses on RTEs, some of the advice applies to all evaluations.
Links to the Humanitarian Charter and international law