August 2020.
Essential diagnostic products areconsidered an integral part of UHC, they are an indispensable element for delivery ofservices andare also a requirement for qualitycare. Despite this realization, a review of the UHC pilot in September 2019 es...tablished that whereas the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) was able to fill up to 80% of pharmaceutical items, the order fill rate for diagnostic products was less than 50 percent for level 2 and 3 facilities and as low as 30 percent for level 4 and 5 facilities.
MMC Briefing Paper, February 2021
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 132-139
The key areas covered are diagnosis, imaging, pathology, surgery, rehabilitation, palliative care and survivorship. It emphasizes a multi-disciplinary team approach which is paramount for quality cancer care. The specific cancers covered are breast, central nervous system, gastroint...estinal, gynecological, head and neck, hematological, Kaposi’s sarcoma, lung, prostate and pediatric cancers. They also complement the National Guidelines for Cancer Management in Kenya released in 2013.
revised version December 2020
a training course for community health workers, adaptation for high HIV or TB settings: chart booklet
This manual provides a framework for morbidity management and disability prevention of patients affected by NIDs and gives specific guidance for the proper care of patients suffering from chronic conditions caused by lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, trachoma, and Chagas disease. It is intended to be u...sed mainly by health care workers at the primary health care level, but health workers at more complex and specialized levels may also find it useful.
Sudan has a long history of hosting refugees and asylum seekers with 991,787 individuals, 51 per cent female and 53 per cent children, expected to live in Sudan by the end of 2020.
The global coronavirus pandemic, which has brought death to hundreds of thousands and serious illness to millions more, also poses profound spiritual questions and real challenges to Christians everywhere.
The pandemic itself has become a fundamental test of our faith in God and God’s providence,... and it urges us to earnest re-examination of our relationship to God, each other, and the natural world.
In Healing the World, the World Council of Churches offers these eight Bible studies to facilitate our coming to terms—as individuals, groups, and communities of faith—with the loss, fear, and confusion engendered by the pandemic, and the bracing prospect of building the world anew.
29 Dec 2021. Comprehensive slideset updated regularly to include the latest data and guidance on best practices for COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
26 March 2021 Slideset updated regularly to include the latest data on the evolution and duration of COVID-19 symptoms and prevalence and duration of natural immunity.
Steady progress in the scaleup of VMMC as an HIV prevention intervention in 15 eastern and southern African countries before the SARS-CoV2 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health guidance to reduce the spread of the diseasehave wide-reaching implications for children’s health and wellbeing. Furthermore, paediatric emergency departments(EDs) have rapidly adapted provision of care in response to the pandemic. This qualitativ...e study utilized insight frommultidisciplinary frontline staff to understand the changes in paediatric emergency healthcare utilization duringCOVID-19 the experiences of working within the restructured health system.
In the wake of the Covid‑19 Pandemic, parts of the public health system at increased risk of reduced efficiency include healthcare services for women and children. This in turn could reverse all the progress achieved over the years in reducing maternal and child mortality. In study, an attempt has been made to assess the indirect effect of the pandemic on maternal and child health services in public health facilities.
It describes and analyzes the theoretical-practical incidences of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, including but not limited to the Information Science framework. Besides, it aims to outline an understanding of these three concepts based on 16 arrangements intercon...nected according to their intentionality.
Conclusions: We highlight that the complexity that permeates the various fields in the present situation is due to the difficulty of reaching a consensus on the semantic definition of the concepts of information, misinformation, and its disambiguations since these concepts have various properties.
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