Crisis Group’s Watch List identifies ten countries or regions at risk of deadly conflict or escalation thereof in 2021. In these places, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could enhance prospects for peace and stability.
Crisis Group’s early-warning Watch List id...entifies up to ten countries and regions at risk of conflict or escalation of violence. In these situations, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could generate stronger prospects for peace. The Watch List 2021 includes an Introduction, detailed conflict analyses and EU-targeted recommendations on Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Iran & the Gulf, Libya, Mexico & Central America, Nagorno-Karabakh, Somalia, Thailand and Venezuela.
This user guide is designed to provide national malaria control programmes with general information on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Individuals with this condition may be at risk of adverse effects from medicines commonly used to cure Plasmodium vivax malaria, as well as from... other medicines and substances.
Since the beginning of December a significant increase in the incidence of new cases has been observed particularly along the corridor towards the large urban center of Butembo (health zones of Butembo and Katwa) and beyond in the zone of Kayna health center located about 150 km from Goma. In additi...on, active outbreaks have emerged to the north, particularly in the health zones of Komanda and Oicha.
The third strategic response plan (SRP-3), which covers February through end July 2019, considers the salient points and recommendations made during the operational review of the implementation of the SRP-2 and other guidance based on lessons learned and risk analysis.
Data on the essential building blocks of mental health systems, including mental health
governance, financing, service delivery, human resources and information, are reported. For
mental health planning, it is important to know not only the level of resources in these six areas,
but also how thos...e resources are being organized and utilized. Thus, data on efficiency, access,
equity, linkages with other sectors and respect for human rights are reported as well.
On Sunday 16th December 2018, some villages in the Province of Mai-Nambiar, Democratic Republic of Congo, neighboring the district of Makotimpoko in the Republic of Congo (CongoBrazzaville) were affected by inter-ethnic conflict between the Banunu and the Batende. The fighting has resulted in 400 fa...talities and the destruction of property. A large number of the population of the conflict affected areas were forced to cross the river Congo and find refuge in several localities in the Cuvette (Konda and Youmba) and Plateaux (Makotimpoko, Bouemba, Patrick) areas in Congo-Brazzaville.
Le présent rapport est soumis en application de la résolution 2164 (2014) du Conseil de sécurité, par laquelle le Conseil a prorogé le mandat de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) et m’a demandé de lui faire rapport tous les tr...ois mois sur l’application de la résolution et l’exécution du mandat de la Mission. Le présent rapport couvre la période allant du 17 décembre 2014 au 19 mars 2015
Le renforcement des actions de promotion de l’allaitement maternel notamment la mise au sein précoce et l’allaitement maternel exclusif pendant les six premiers mois de vie, constitue est une priorité absolue dans la stratégie de réduction de la mortalité infantile au Bénin. En effet, le l...ait maternel est l’aliment idéal pour les nouveau-nés et les nourrissons. L’allaitement maternel est un puissant rempart contre la diarrhée, les infections respiratoires aiguës et la malnutrition.
Politique du Secteur Santé pour la Nutrition 2016-2025
Le développement et la performance de tous les secteurs vitaux passent par l’élaboration de politique et de stratégies cohérentes et pertinentes. En effet, pour éviter à notre pays de souffrir d’un malaise profond et multiforme qui se traduirait par une détérioration de la qualité de vi...e alors que les béninois aspirent fondamentalement au bien-être social, individuel et collectif, le gouvernement du Bénin a, dans une vision prospective, souhaité que tous les secteurs vitaux s’inscrivent dans la vision "Bénin ALAFIA 2025 "
Cities can help nations achieve their Paris Agreement commitment by supporting the implementation of transformational actions to increase the supply of renewable energy, improve building energy efficiency, increase access to affordable, low carbon transport options, and change consumption patterns. ...
Seventy per cent of C40 cities report that they are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Cities need to adapt and improve their resilience to climate hazards that may impact them, both in the short-term and in future climate change scenarios. Cities are already leading the way with ambitious plans to accelerate action on climate change. With more political will, community support and collaboration, cities can make an even greater contribution to securing a climate safe future.
Accessed on 29.01.2020
La volonté du CEA-SAMEF à développer des programmes de formation de qualité et des domaines de compétences ciblées a rendu nécessaire l’adoption de référentiels aux exigences internationales. Dans la mise en œuvre de son programme d’accréditation, le CEA-SA...MEF a procédé à l’alignement de son offre de formation aux référentiels nationaux, régionaux et internationaux, de façon à rendre éligibles les programmes à l’accréditation.
Documentation des meilleures pratiques et des goulots d’étranglement à la mise en œuvre du programme au Sénégal .
L’objectif de la Politique de santé communautaire est de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité, de la mortalité et des handicaps, avec la pleine participation des communautés.