The Blueprint is intended to guide programming, resource allocation, and commitments to achieve the national objective of a contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) of 36 percent by 2018.
Mid-term review of The National AIDS Programme 2011-15
October 2013
Euro Surveillance 2014;19(47):pii=20970, p.31-37
Le Bénin à l’instar des autres pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, fait face à une épidémie généralisée du VIH qui est actuellement au centre des préoccupations de santé publique et de développement. De 2002 à 2006, la prévalence nationale est stabilisée autour de 2% grâce à une améli...oration de la prise en charge des PVVIH, une augmentation du nombre de patients sous ARV, et un renforcement du partenariat avec la société civile y compris le secteur privé. En 2007, on a observé une légère inflexion à 1,7% de la prévalence.
Les conséquences multiples de l’infection par le VIH ont très vite imposé la nécessité d’une prise en charge globale des personnes infectées et affectées. Les interventions sont désormais multiples et intégrées allant de la prévention à la prise en charge en passant par le conseil - dépistage (CD).
Q7: In individuals with bipolar mania, are a) antipsychotics, b) mood stabilizers (lithium carbonate, valproate, and carbamazepine) effective and safe
The guidebook can be used by any care giver who comes in contact with children on a daily basis and who have the primary or secondary responsibility of taking care of the children. Parents, teachers, anganwadi workers, child care institutions, hospitals can use this guidebook to help a child who is need of care and protection. This guidebook can also be used by those who meet a child by accident who is in need of protection immediately. They can follow the steps mentioned in the guidebook that can be followed to help the child in need. Paragraph about the child protection systems with an objective of creating a safe and safe environment of children, the state has established systems at center and district level which one can go to for providing protection of children. These systems contains various bodies, units, schemes and law which create a safety net for children.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 97
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development
Guidelines for planning and provision of pastoral and social support services
Report of Meeting: 4 November 2014, Roma
Training Modules for climate change and Health - WHO