This presentation presents the issues we confront in deciding how to communicate to the public that COVID-19 vaccine recommendations reflect the state of scientific knowledge.
Planetary Health needs frequent monitoring of global environmental changes and global land cover and land use - Power Point presentation
You can find the full text on the website (Source link)
Childhood cancer is curable for the vast majority of children when essential diagnostic, therapeutic and supportive care services are accessible. However, profound inequalities in outcomes exist within and between countries with as few as 20% or 30% of children living in low- and middle-income count...ries surviving.
The Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer Overview document presents the CureAll approach to support governments, partners and communities achieve the best possible cancer care for all children. This approach, summarized as four pillars of action supported by three enablers, will improve the care for children with cancer around the world.
Since the discovery of insulin nearly 100 years ago, advances in diabetes treatments and therapies have transformed the lives of people
with diabetes (PwD), notably reducing the daily burden of its management.
Newer technologies, including those driven by artificial intelligence, have the potentia...l to further improve the quality of life of PwD and help
identify and diagnose people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and diabetes-related complications early. However, medical and technological advances alone are not enough to fix the diabetes challenge. It is also critical to acknowledge the complexity and the seriousness of diabetes, its impact on the quality of life and well-being of over 32 million PwD in the EU and the financial burden it represents for health systems and society at large.
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders, for annexes see
Documentation of Best Practices and Bottlenecks to Program Implementation in Senegal
Accessed at March 2014
MEASURE Evaluation PRH Working Paper Series
Please download the district fact sheets directly for each state/union territory at the website:
BioMed Central; BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:20; DOI 10.1186/s12914-016-0094-y