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HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
HIV Country Intelligence - HIV Country Profiles
More than 51.000 people are stranded around Greece (according to data published by the Greek Government ). The majority have applied for asylum while others wait for relocation or family reunification applications to be decided so that they can move on to other member states.
Applicants for all p...rocesses require legal assistance: to ensure the appropriate asylum procedure is pursued, vulnerabilities are detected, deadlines met, the process is fair and that basic human needs are fulfilled, and rights are respected.
A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council, January 2018. ISSUE N.3. Six months on from the last joint report for the United
Nations Security Council (UNSC), this report by the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) ...
provides an update on the acute food insecurity
situation in most of the conflict-affected countries
currently being monitored by the UNSC.
ن عام 2017 ً كان فعال هو األكثر صعوبة على اإلطالق بين
األعوام التي سبقته. لقد سجل االقتصاد اليمني اطول انقطاع
في مرتبات موظفي الدولة، وأكبر انكماش تراكمي في الناتج
ال...محلي اإلجمالي، وأعلى زيادة في سعر صرف الدوالر، مع
نفاد االحتياطيات الخارجية وسط أزمة سيولة خانقة في القطاع
Yemen Socio-Economic Update, Issue (30) December, 2017arabic
Dans la perspective d’une dynamique d’accélération du contrôle du paludisme en vue de l’atteinte du seuil épidémiologique de pré-élimination, le Ministère de la santé à travers le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) a mis en œuvre plusieurs stratégies d’interve...ntion, en fonction des différentes cibles visées mais en relation avec la cartographie palustre. Ainsi, cette présente étude montre, les déterminants qui favorisent ou défavorisent l’adoption du comportement souhaité à l’endroit des cibles.
Several members of the Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities (CDAC) Network have recognised the need to work with rumours in their missions to prevent the loss of lives and alleviate suffering. Notably, Internews with their pioneering inter-agency model, the World Health Organisation and ...United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs have made considerable efforts to innovate in this area and engage other humanitarian actors on the issue.
This National Prevention Road Map addresses the above-mentioned challenges and aims to guide, focus and reinvigorate the HIV prevention response during the period 2018-2020. It also renews the commitment of political leadership,
Rural Women Peace Link (RWPL) is a grassroots women-led organization
working in rural areas in the west of Kenya to promote local women’s
involvement in peace building, governance and development.