Centre Africain de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC Afrique) protocole par la surveillance renforcée du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) et du syndrome grippal pour COVID-19 en Afrique
Mars 2020
Le nombre d’États membres de l’Union signalant des cas de COVID-19 est ...en augmentation et il est probable que la transmission communautaire en Afrique se produira. L’OMS a récemment modifié la définition de cas suspect de COVID-19 pour inclure des infections respiratoires aiguës sévères et conseille de tester tous les cas de syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS).1 Cependant, de nombreux États membres n’ont pas encore commencé à mettre en œuvre ces changements, ils concentrent toujours leurs efforts
de surveillance sur les personnes ayant des antécédents de voyage vers une zone de transmission locale de COVID-19. Cela signifie que les patients présentant des symptômes similaires, mais sans aucun contact apparent, peuvent ne pas être enquêtés.
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is the worst in the world, with over 80 per cent of the population estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. The protracted crisis has displaced millions of Yemenis, placing pressure on host communities with limited capacity to support displaced populations....
Interim Guidance
This document is to help Member States build on actions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve national medium- to long-term preparedness for future threats. It maps COVID-19 preparedness and response actions to the building of sustainable International Health Regulations (2...005) core capacities; locates relevant supporting WHO resources that are not specific to the pandemic; and advocates for the conscious and effective allocation of COVID-19 funds to also meet countries’ longer-term need
This document provides an overview of sexual and reproductive health and rights issues that may be important for the human rights, health and well-being of adolescents (aged 10–19 years) and the relevant World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on how to address them in an easilyaccessible, user...-friendly format. The document serves as a gateway to the rich body of WHO guidelines, and as a handy resource to inform advocacy, policy and programme/project design and research. It aims to support the implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016–2030 (1), and is aligned with the WHO Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!) as well as the WHO Operational Framework on Sexual Health and Its Linkages to Reproductive Health (2,3).
This guide provides an overview of the major elements that must be considered before, during and after the implementation of antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDTs) for SARS-CoV-2. This guide is complementary to policy guidance issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). The guide may ...appeal to a range of audiences including Ministries of Health, donors, public and private organizations/agencies acting as implementing partners and community based and civil society organizations with experience working on health, especially organizations familiar with similar testing campaigns for other disease programmes like HIV and malaria