SARS-CoV-2 infections among children and adolescents cause less severe illness and fewer deaths compared to adults. While a less severe course of infection is a positive outcome, there are concerns that mild symptoms may have led to less testing, resulting in fewer identified cases of COVID-19 in ch...ildren. If children with mild or no symptoms transmit the disease, they may act as drivers of transmission within their communities. Understanding symptoms, infectivity and patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children and adolescents is essential for developing, adapting and improving control measures for COVID-19 across all ages. This is a summary of the current knowledge around SARS-CoV-2 infection acquisition and transmission and COVID-19 disease symptoms in children and adolescents. It aims to inform decisions, based on local contexts, on how to best keep schools, kindergarten and day-care facilities open and what advice to apply to intergenerational mixing.
الكوليرا هي عدوى إسهالية حادة تنتج عن تناول طعام أو ماء ملوث. توفر هذه الدورة مقدمة عامة عن الكوليرا وتستهدف الأفراد المسئولين عن الاستجابة لفاشيات المرض في حالات ا...طوارئ المعقدة أو في البيئات التي تعرضت فيها البنية التحتية البيئية الأساسية للتلف أو الدمار.
A cólera é uma infeção diarreica aguda causada pela ingestão de água ou alimentos contaminados. Este curso providencia uma introdução geral à cólera e é dirigido aos profissionais que responde a surtos em emergências complexas ou em contextos onde as infraestruturas básicas ambientais f...oram danificadas ou destruídas.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (CoV) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
This course provides a general introduction to nCoV and emerging respiratory viruses and is intended for public health professionals, incident managers and personnel working for the United Nations, international organizations and NGOs.
This course is also available in the following languages:
français - Español - 中文 - Português - العربية - русский - Türkçe - српски језик - فارسی - हिन्दी, हिंदी - македонски јазик - Tiếng Việt - Indian sign language - magyar - Bahasa Indonesia - বাংলা - اردو - Kiswahili - አማርኛ - ଓଡିଆ - Hausa - Tetun - Deutsch - Èdè Yorùbá - Asụsụ Igbo - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - isiZulu
This document aims to describe a minimum set of surveillance activities recommended at the national level to detect and monitor the relative prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and outline a set of activities for the characterization and assessment of risk posed by these variants. A set of indicators also provided to standardize monitoring and public reporting of variant circulation.
The document is primarily intended for national and sub-national public health authorities and partners who support implementation of surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 variants
After 100 years of chemotherapy with impractical and toxic drugs, an oral cure for human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is available: Fexinidazole. In this case, we review the history of drug discovery for HAT with special emphasis on the discovery, pre-clinical development, and operational challenge...s of the clinical trials of fexinidazole. The screening of the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) HAT-library by the Swiss TPH had singled out fexinidazole, originally developed by Hoechst (now Sanofi), as the most promising of a series of over 800 nitroimidazoles and related molecules. In cell culture, fexinidazole has an IC50 of around 1 µM against Trypanosoma brucei and is more than 100-fold less toxic to mammalian cells. In the mouse model, fexinidazole cures both the first, haemolymphatic, and the second, meningoencephalitic stage of the infection, the latter at 100 mg/kg twice daily for 5 days. In patients, the clinical trials managed by DNDi and supported by Swiss TPH mainly conducted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo demonstrated that oral fexinidazole is safe and effective for use against first- and early second-stage sleeping sickness. Based on the positive opinion issued by the European Medicines Agency in 2018, the WHO has released new interim guidelines for the treatment of HAT including fexinidazole as the new therapy for first-stage and non-severe second-stage sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (gHAT). This greatly facilitates the diagnosis and treatment algorithm for gHAT, increasing the attainable coverage and paving the way towards the envisaged goal of zero transmission by 2030.
A new story book that aims to help children understand and come to terms with COVID-19 has been produced
With the help of a fantasy creature, Ario, “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!” explains how children can protect themselves, their families and friends from coronavirus and how to... manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality.
Available in more languages
The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.
Available in different languages
This document, produced by IFRC, UNICEF and WHO, suggests key actions on how people and communities can stay safe and slow down the spread of COVID-19, particularly for contexts where you might have been asked by your local authorities to maintain physical distance or stay home.
Available in: Arabi...c, Bangla, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Myanmar, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
A new story book that aims to help children understand and come to terms with COVID-19 has been produced
With the help of a fantasy creature, Ario, “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!” explains how children can protect themselves, their families and friends from coronavirus and how to... manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality.
Available in more languages
The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.
Available in different languages
This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to ...parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries.
The book was shared through storytelling to children in several countries affected by COVID-19. Feedback from children, parents and caregivers was then used to review and update the story.
Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers and teachers from around the world took the time to shared how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Available in 141 Languages
The story-book, a sequel to the immensely successful ‘My Hero is You: How kids can fight COVID-19!’, is being released in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new story, aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years, sees the return of Ario, a fantasy creature who travels the world helpin...g children find hope in the future and joy in simple pleasures. Together with old and new friends, Ario addresses the fears, frustrations and concerns faced by children during this phase of the pandemic and explores with them the various coping mechanisms that they can use when faced with difficult emotions like fear, grief, anger and sadness. Through the voices of the children that Ario meets on his travels, the book provides a vivid illustration of the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and well-being of children.
The content of the book drew from survey responses from more than 5000 children, parents, caregivers and teachers from around the world on the challenges they continue to face in the second year of the pandemic.
Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers and teachers from around the world took the time to shared how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Available in 141 Languages
Un nouveau livre d'histoires visant à aider les enfants à comprendre et à accepter le COVID-19 a été publié.
Avec l'aide d'une créature fantastique, Ario, "My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19 !" explique comment les enfants peuvent se protéger, protéger leur famille et leurs amis c...ontre le coronavirus et comment gérer des émotions difficiles lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à une nouvelle réalité qui change rapidement.
Disponible en plusieurs langues
Ce livre - qui s'adresse principalement aux enfants âgés de 6 à 11 ans - est un projet du Groupe de référence du Comité permanent interorganisations sur la santé mentale et le soutien psychosocial dans les situations d'urgence, une collaboration unique entre les agences des Nations unies, les organisations non gouvernementales nationales et internationales et les organismes internationaux qui fournissent un soutien en matière de santé mentale et de soutien psychosocial dans les situations d'urgence.
Disponible en plusieurs langues
A guide on how to prevent and address social stigma surrounding coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for Government, media and local organisations working on the disease.
Available in different languages: Arabic, English, French, Indonesia, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vientmese, Bengali, Malay, Portu...guese, Spanish, Tamil, Chinese
DNDi is now striving to make fexinidazole available to the majority of people who have T.b. gambiense sleeping sickness. We are supporting a three-year access and pharmacovigilance study that began in 2020 and have so far carried out in-country training of relevant staff in 250 hospitals and... health centres in T.b. gambiense-endemic countries; and updated national treatment and pharmacovigilance guidelines in Angola, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, and Chad.
Our target end-users are those with limited literacy. It is a challenging task to achieve success in this group as so much of what is "obvious" to those of us with good literacy skills is totally obscure to those who have never had the opportunity to learn the meaning of e.g. an arrow shape and what... it is meant to represent. Our pictograms have been tested mainly in our local Xhosa population, so we cannot guarantee universal generalisability (as is the case for any other pictograms). Categories in the database include Dosage and frequency; Route of administration; Additional medicine instructions; Side effects or indications; Storage of medicines; Tablets, capsules, bottles, droppers; Miscellaneous; TB-related pictograms
A common application relates to their use with medicines where they may serve to convey instructions, precautions, storage requirements, warnings, as well as medicine indication or side effects to patients or consumers. Many examples of diverse application of pictograms in the health literature have been described including health promotion materials, wound care instructions, asthma prevention and treatment, injury prevention, discharge instructions, self-care guidance, paediatric anaphylaxis plan, organ and body donation, CT scan risks and benefits, driving risks, safety symbols, decision aids for treatment, and patient-reported outcomes dashboards, amongst others.
a "risk factor" is something that increases your chances of getting a disease or condition. In the case of asthma there are two diffrent type of risk factors. There are risk factors for developing asthma , and there are separate risk factors for those who already have asthma getting a severe asthma ...attack. We like to refer to the second as "triggers for asthma attacks" instead of "risk factors" to avoid confusion.
These posters can be used to help educate people about good hygiene practices, methods for disinfecting water, and caring for family members who may be at risk of contracting cholera. They are designed for all audiences and the graphics have been made regionally specific.
Leishmaniose cutanée : un important problèmede santé
La leishmaniose cutanée est une maladie potentiellement grave et défigurante. Les personnes atteintes de leishmaniose cutanée ont une ou plusieurs lésions durables sur la peau, le plus souvent sans fièvre ni symptômes généraux. L'impac...t de la leishmaniose cutanée sur la propagation de la pauvreté est important, car le traitement est coûteux et donc inabordable ou implique une grande perte d’argent.
Le coût du traitement et de la mise en œuvre de stratégies de prévention nécessite un investissement considérable de ressources financières et humaines. La leishmaniose cutanée est un problème de santé publique majeur dans la Région de l'OMS pour la Méditerranée orientale. Des nouveaux cas apparaissent dans des zones précédemment indemnes de la maladie. Plus de 100 000 nouveaux cas de leishmaniose cutanée sont notifiés chaque année à l'OMS par les pays de la Région, mais les estimations relatives à l'incidence réelle sont de trois à cinq fois plus élevées car de nombreux patients ne consultent jamais un médecin ou un professionnel de santé et les cas ayant reçu un diagnostic de leishmaniose cutanée ne sont pas toujours notifiés aux autorités sanitaires.