905,831 Refugees and asylum seekers registered in Ethiopia
59% Percentage of refugees below the age of 18
36,135 New arrivals registered in Ethiopia in 2018
This article provides an overview of the current and projected climate change risks and impacts to mental health and provides recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change.
Public Health Situation Analysis and Interventions 10 October 2017
UNICEF Annual Report 2017 - Burkina Faso
- Healthcare policy for children
- Food insecurity
- Community health strategy
- National child protection system
Moving from accelerated burden reduction to malaria elimination in Zambia
On 17 October 2017, the Ugandan Ministry of Health notified WHO of a confirmed Marburg outbreak of Marburg Virus disease (MVD) in Kween district, Eastern Uganda. The outbreak was officially declared by the Ministry of health on 19 October 2017.
As of 7 November, four cases of MVD have been reported...- two confirmed (dead), one probable (dead) and one suspected. Other patients, previously reported as suspected cases, have since tested negative for the virus.
WHO has been implementing the Emergency Response Plan since 20 October 2017 when the Ministry of Health officially declared the outbreak. The Emergency Response Plan was developed on several assumptions which may now need to be revised.
Health Evidence Network synthesis report 53
Recommendations, resources and references
A publication of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society