The Lancet Regional health Americas, vol.10 (2022) June 1, March 04, 2022DOI:
In Westafrika wird die Bevölkerung in den nächsten Jahrzehnten noch stark
wachsen. Bis 2050 dürfte sich die Einwohnerzahl der 16 Staaten von heute 402 auf
rund 797 Millionen Menschen nahezu verdoppeln. Der Grund dafür sind vor allem
hohe Geburtenraten: Frauen bekommen zwischen Mauretanien und... Nigeria heute
durchschnittlich vier bis sieben Kinder. Deshalb werden mittelfristig mehr Menschen
um Jobs, Schulplätze und Gesundheitsversorgung konkurrieren. Gesellschaften und
Staaten müssen sich sozioökonomische Fortschritte erkämpfen
Religionsgemeinschaften und ihre Vertreter können entscheidend dazu beitragen, dass sich das Bevölkerungswachstum in den westafrikanischen Ländern mittelfristig verlangsamt
The COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErs Study (HEROES): Regional Report from the Americas is a multicenter prospective cohort study to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of health care workers in 26 countries on four continents and how it is affected by several factors at interrelated levels: individual, family, occupational, and social. This brief report presents the evidence generated from the baseline survey of 11 participating countries in the Region of the Americas. Using validated scales, the findings show high rates of depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and psychological distress in several countries of the Region. The spirit of the project is not only to generate quality scientific evidence on the mental health of health care workers, but also to help develop interventions (both individual and institutional) and policies to address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
Human rights-based approaches to the creation of knowledge involve application of human rights principles to both the content and process of knowledge creation. Human rights-based approaches have special significance for the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of all people, in for women and girls, people living with disability, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or Intersex (LGBTQI) populations, refugees, migrants and other marginalised populations.
A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Vol.399 Issue 10341 p.2129-2154
Human resources for health (HRH) include a range of occupations that aim to promote or improve human health. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the WHO Health Workforce 2030 s...trategy have drawn attention to the importance of HRH for achieving policy priorities such as universal health coverage (UHC). Although previous research has found substantial global disparities in HRH, the absence of comparable cross-national estimates of existing workforces has hindered efforts to quantify workforce requirements to meet health system goals. We aimed to use comparable and standardised data sources to estimate HRH densities globally, and to examine the relationship between a subset of HRH cadres and UHC effective coverage performance.
Cases of monkeypox (MPX) acquired in the EU have recently been reported in nine EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands).
Monkeypox (MPX) does not spread easily between people. Human-to-human transmission occurs through close contact ...with infectious material from skin lesions of an infected person, through respiratory droplets in prolonged face-to-face contact, and through fomites. The predominance, in the current outbreak, of diagnosed human MPX cases among men having sex with men (MSM), and the nature of the presenting lesions in some cases, suggest transmission occurred during sexual intercourse
Guía de tratamiento farmacológico y manejo deescenarios clínicos de casos de COVID-19 – enero 2022 Guía de tratamiento farmacológico y manejo deLeer más
orientaciones provisionales, primera publicación: 24 de mayo de 2021, actualización: 21 de octubre de 2021, actualización: 15 de marzo de 2022
27 April 2022 Chronic land degradation: UN offers stark warnings and practical remedies in Global Land Outlook 2. GLO2 offers hundreds of examples from around the world that demonstrate the potential of land restoration.
The way land resources – soil, water and biodiversity – are currently mi...smanaged and misused threatens the health and continued survival of many species on Earth, including our own, warns a stark new report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
It also points decision makers to hundreds of practical ways to effect local, national and regional land and ecosystem restoration.
The report reveals that good IPC programmes can reduce health care infections by 70 %. oday, out of every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, seven patients in high-income countries and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection (HAI)... during their hospital stay. On average, 1 in every 10 affected patients will die from their HAI.
People in intensive care and newborns are particularly at risk. And the report reveals that approximately one in four hospital-treated sepsis cases and almost half of all cases of sepsis with organ dysfunction treated in adult intensive-care units are health care-associated.
To test for ethnic discrimination in access to outpatient health care services, we carry out
an email-correspondence study in Germany. We approach 3,224 physician offices in the 79
largest cities in Germany with fictitious appointment requests and randomized patients’
characteristics. We find t...hat patients’ ethnicity, as signaled by distinct Turkish versus Ger-
man names, does not affect whether they receive an appointment or wait time. In contrast,
patients with private insurance are 31 percent more likely to receive an appointment. Hold-
ing a private insurance also increases the likelihood of receiving a response and reduces the
wait time. This suggests that physicians use leeway to prioritize privately insured patients
to enhance their earnings, but they do not discriminate persons of Turkish origin based
on taste. Still, their behavior creates means-based barriers for economically disadvantaged
This study examines the effectiveness of a low-cost, targeted social media campaign to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake
among Arabic, Turkish and Russian speakers in Germany. The study involved a series of online experiments on the social media platform Facebook.
Bisher hat die STIKO empfohlen, dass alle im Ausland mit einem nicht in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff geimpften Personen eine erneute Impfserie mit einem in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff erhalten sollen. Ziel der im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 13/2022 veröffentlichten aktualisierten COVID-19-Impfemp...fehlung ist es, Personen, die eine COVID-19-Impfung mit einem der nicht in der EU zugelassenen Ganzvirusimpfstoffen (CoronaVac, Covilo und Covaxin) oder dem Vektor-basierten Impfstoff Sputnik V erhalten haben, mit einem Impfschutz auszustatten, der vergleichbar mit dem einer Grundimmunisierung plus Auffrischimpfung mit einem mRNA-Impfstoff ist.
The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Legal Framework comes before the Specialized Technical Committee on Health and Drug Control for adoption and endorsement. The IPC Legal Framework is designed to guide Member States in the review and strengthening of laws and policies that support IPC at bot...h the national level and in healthcare facilities. In developing this IPC Legal Framework, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)
is furthering its mandates to harmonize disease control and prevention policies and promote the prevention and control of diseases by building capacity of public health institutions in Members States.
This recommendation is an update of one of the 49 recommendations that were published in the WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. The recommendation was developed initially using the standardized operating procedures described in the WHO handbook for guideline d...evelopment.
In summary, the process included: (i) identification of priority question and outcomes; (ii) retrieval of evidence; (iii) assessment and synthesis of the evidence; (iv) formulation of recommendation; and (v) planning for the implementation, dissemination, impact evaluation and updating of the recommendation. This recommendation was identified by the Executive Guideline Steering Group (GSG) as a high priority for updating in response to new evidence on this question.
BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e008007. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2021-00800