WHO Vaccine Management Handbook
No publication year indicated
The specific objectives of the plan are to:
- Scale up evidence-based, cost effective interventions through effective strategies within a HSS approach and provide equitable coverage with quality.
- Reduce neonatal mortality by improved home-based newborn ...care, early identification of sick newborns and improved access to institutional newborn care of adequate quality.
- Reduce common childhood illness related mortality (due to pneumonia and diarrhoea in all areas and malaria in endemic areas) by improving key family and community practices, community-based early diagnosis and management and referral care for complicated cases.
The objectives of the meeting were to agree on coordinated and aligned support to the 3 countries’ national health recovery plans (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone); to identify cross-cutting areas and opportunities for integration; to identify ways to improve implementation modalities; and to identi...fy actions including technical assistance needed to support the countries in the process of building resilient health systems.
The outcomes of the meeting consisted in proposed country action plans to move forward with the implementation of the recovery plans. The action plans includes:priorities and areas of work; activities needed to improve implementation modalities; technical assistance needs.
This handbook presents basic content and tips for implementing a school-based risk reduction programme. It is organised into five modules: its importance; approach and process; activities to benefit children up to five years old; activities for students aged 5–17; and activities for young people a...nd volunteers aged 17–24.
A generic framework for school-based risk reduction initiatives is illustrated in a diagram on p.10. The Comprehensive School Safety framework suggests a series of continuing activities that include: identifying the hazards in and around a school; conducting drills; preparing contingency and disaster management plans by involving parents, teachers and students; and building on the capacities of an institution and individuals to cope with the challenges during an unforeseen event. It also consists of three pillars: safe learning facilities; school disaster management; and risk reduction and resilience education.
Modern healthcare has given rise to extremely complex and multifaceted ethical dilemmas. All too often physicians are unprepared to manage these competently. This publication is specifically structured to reinforce and strengthen the ethical mindset and prac...tice of physicians and provide tools to find ethical solutions to these dilemmas. It is not a list of “rights and wrongs” but an attempt to sensitise the conscience of the physician, which is the basis for all sound and ethical decision-making. To this end, you will find several case studies in the book, which are intended to foster individual ethical reflection as well as discussion within team settings.
The new five-year agenda of WHO in Africa, The Africa Health Transformation Programme, 2015–2020: a vision for universal health coverage, is the strategic framework that will guide WHO’s contribution to the emerging sustainable development platform in Africa. It articulates a vision for health a...nd development that aims to address the unacceptable inequalities and inequities that have kept our region lagging far behind others in terms of health indices and enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of life.
It provides guidance on care for use in resource-limited settings or in settings where families with sick young infants do not accept or cannot access referral care, but can be managed in outpatient settings by an appropriately trained health worker. The guideline seeks to provide programmatic guida...nce on the role of CHWs and home visits in identifying signs of serious infections in neonates and young infants.
The purpose of this manual is to provide a resource for training to increase understanding of Health in All Policies (HiAP) by health and other professionals. It is anticipated that the material in this manual will form the basis of two- or three-day workshops, which will:
• Bu...ild capacity to promote, implement and evaluate HiAP;
• Encourage engagement and collaboration across sectors;
• Facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned;
• Promote regional and global collaboration on HiAP; and
• Promote dissemination of skills to develop training courses for trainers.
WHO has been alerted to concerns expressed related to the wording on episiotomy in specific situations. We have temporarily removed the publication from the website while we are doing a review of the evidence with in-house and external experts. We will make the publication available on the website o...nce the review is completed and any needed revisions are made. Please check the website!!!
he WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021 is a significant step towards achieving health and well-being and human rights for people with disabilities. The action plan was endorsed by WHO Member States in 2014 and calls for them to remove barriers and improve access to health services and progra...mmes; strengthen and extend rehabilitation, assistive devices and support services, and community-based rehabilitation; and enhance collection of relevant and internationally comparable data on disability, and research on disability and related services. Achieving the objectives of the action plan better enables people with disabilities to fulfil their aspirations in all aspects of life.
Konzepte und Modelle zur Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinien für besonders schutzbedürftige Asylsuchende.Die unterschiedlichen Modelle werden vorgestellt, wie auch die teilweise zum Einsatz gekommenen Screeningfragebögen. Abgeleitet aus den Vor- und Nachteilen dieser Modelle wird das Konzept der BAfF f...r qualifizierte Verfahren zur Feststellung, fachspezifischen Bedarfsermittlung, Erstversorgung und Behandlung von besonders schutzbedürftigen Gruppen vorgestellt, welches Anforderungen an den Prozess sowie Qualifikationsmerkmale der involvierten AkteurInnen integriert. - See more at: http://www.baff-zentren.org/veröffentlichungen-der-baff/hintergrundmaterial/#sthash.9ANwllZF.dpuf