Carried out by humanitarian and human rights actors in armed conflict and other situations of violence
This guideline (third edition) constitutes a set of minimum but essential standards aimed at ensuring that protection work is safe and effective. The standards reflect shared thinking and common ...agreement among humanitarian and human rights practitioners
OECD Family database
OECD - Social Policy Division - Directorate of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
Objective: This study examined the experiential factors and interacting vulnerabilities that contribute to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents
Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1229–1235)
We created this booklet to share our patients’ stories with a larger community. Too many historical injustices go unacknowledged in Iraq, and human rights abuses continue to this day. We feel it is essential to uncover these injustices and help our patients speak out, in the hope that one day all... people will enjoy their fundamental human rights in Iraq.
905,831 Refugees and asylum seekers registered in Ethiopia
59% Percentage of refugees below the age of 18
36,135 New arrivals registered in Ethiopia in 2018
Training of Health-care Providers and Training manual Supporting material
This document provides training and guidance on the reasons for, and the impact of, violence, coercion and abuse within mental health and related settings. It also provides guidance on how to implement strategies to end the use of coercion, violence and abuse in these settings.
This document provides training and guidance on the key standards related to the physical and social environment within mental health and related services that need to be met to promote good outcomes, independent living and community inclusion.
This document has been developed to provide training and guidance on how to integrate a human rights approach in mental health and related areas, based on international human rights instruments, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
This discussion guide is designed to assist individuals and
agencies working toward developing trauma-informed
approaches to service delivery. It describes how common
traumatic experiences are for individuals accessing health
and social services, and it provides information to help service
prov...iders recognize the adaptations people make to cope with
trauma. Trauma awareness is a foundation for developing
trauma-informed services, which integrate knowledge about
trauma into policies, procedures, and practices. Traumainformed
services actively seek to avoid re-traumatization and
have been shown to improve client engagement, retention, and
outcomes. This guide includes practice examples, suggested
resources, and sample questions to stimulate further discussion.
Version 1.7 Updated October 14, 2010 | Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) is a theory-driven, manualized protocol based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with modifications for young children. Some of these modifications involve parent-child relationship dynamics that are salient for this age grou...p.
Is the first appendix for the Psychological First Aid Field for Schools (PFA-S) Operations Guide. This appendix provides recommendations for school staff (including principals and administrators, teachers, health-related professionals, and support staff) on providing Psychological First Aid at a sch...ool.
This rapid compilation of data analyses provides a ‘stock-take’ of social science and behavioural data related to the on-going outbreak of Ebola in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri provinces. Based on data gathered and analysed by organisations working in the Ebola response and in the region mor...e broadly, it explores convergences and divergences between datasets and, when possible, differences by geographic area, demographic group, time period and other relevant variables. Data sources are listed at the end of the document.
The SAFE Paediatric Anaesthesia course is an 'off the shelf package' supported by a facilitator manual, teaching materials and standard operating procedures. It is hoped that the course is clinically relevant and will improve the practice of anaesthesia for children to a safe standard.
PLoS Med 15(7): e1002615. pmed.1002615
Anxiety disorders
Chapter F.5
Original research article
Contraception 97 (2018) 439–444
0010-7824/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Early childhood matters.
This document looks at specific issues regarding the development of young children, in particular from a psychosocial perspective. It is published twice per year by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. The views expressed in Early Childhood Matters are those of the authors and... do not necessarily reflect those of the Bernard van Leer Foundation.
This content is from the Advance Chapters of the NEW Where There Is No Doctor. You can download this chapter in Bangla, English, Haitian Kreyol, Lao, Nepali, Spanish, and Swahili