A rapid evidence briefing. Vaccinated people are less likely to develop long COVID, even if they get infected, a rapid review of 15 studies by the UK Health Security Agency shows.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is a living tool to support health care workers visualize the current clinical and therapeutic recommendations to be considered in the care planning for patients with COVID-19.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is aligned with the eighth version of the WHO Therapeutics and COVID...-19: living guideline published on the 14 January 2022 and the third version of the WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance published on the 23 November 2021.
Los residuos generados por las actividades sanitarias, desde agujas infectadas hasta isótopos radiactivos, pueden ser una fuente de infecciones o lesiones y su gestión inadecuada puede tener graves consecuencias para la salud pública y efectos nocivos para el medio ambiente.
...staca los aspectos clave de la gestión segura de los residuos médicos para orientar a los responsables políticos, a los profesionales y a los gestores de las instalaciones para mejorar estos servicios en los centros sanitarios.
Lancet Infect Dis 2022;
22: 222–4
The Lancet Global Health January 24, 2022
Lancet Public health 2022 January 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/ S2468-2667(21)00249-8
Growth in the number of individuals living with dementia underscores the need for public health planning efforts and policy to address the needs of this group. Country-level estimates can be used to inform nati...onal planning efforts and decisions. Multifaceted approaches, including scaling up interventions to address modifiable risk factors and investing in research on biological mechanisms, will be key in addressing the expected increases in the number of individuals affected by dementia.
While much of Myanmar’s population continues to benefit from the ongoing process of political and economic reforms, there are close to one million people who remain in need of emergency assistance and protection as a result of ongoing crises in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan. In addition, despite signif...icant progress and investments in disaster risk reduction, millions of people in different parts of Myanmar face the ever-present risk of natural disasters in one of Asia’s most disaster-prone countries.
Über SARS-CoV-2-Testsysteme informieren das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) und das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Die Informationen ergänzen sich, den rechtlichen Rahmen bietet u.a. die Coronavirus-Testverordnung-TestV.
Das BfArM bietet eine Liste von Antigen-Tests zum dir...ekten Erregernachweis des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 an. In dieser Liste befinden sich diejenigen Tests, die sich laut Herstellerangaben gemäß den Vorgaben des Medizinproduktegesetzes (MPG) rechtmäßig in Europa bzw. Deutschland in Verkehr befinden und alle vom Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in Abstimmung mit dem Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) festgelegten Mindestkriterien für Antigen-Tests erfüllen.
10 Janaury 2022 The following catalogue lists all the medical devices including personal protective equipment, medical equipment, medical consumables, single use devices and laboratory and test related devices.
Herramienta de estimación de necesidades y costos de la profilaxis preexposición (PrEP). Instruccciones de uso. En particular, calcula 1) el número de personas que se beneficiarían de la PrEP, en cada población relevante; 2) el total de personas que el país o entidad tiene capacidad para cubri...r, y 3) el impacto presupuestario de la PrEP en las poblaciones. En estas instrucciones de uso se describen los pasos que se deben seguir y las consideraciones que se han de tener en cuenta al ejecutar la herramienta. Además, se incluye un modelo de informe para presentar los resultados del ejercicio a las partes interesadas en la introducción de la PrEP. La herramienta permitirá completar los ejercicios de estimación de necesidades y costos de PrEP de manera independiente y replicable. Se espera que el uso de estas instrucciones mejore la capacidad de planificación de este servicio esencial, junto con las demás intervenciones del marco de prevención combinada, para alcanzar el objetivo de reducción de nuevas infecciones por el VIH.
22 July 2022. This document summarizes current WHO guidance for public health surveillance of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in humans caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Frequently asked questions on COVID-19 vaccination. Version 6, 12 February 2022
COVID-19 Situation Update OPS/WHO Argentina: 10 February 2022
Situation report generated by the OPS/WHO representation in Argentina
While the world was gripped by the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, children continued to face the same crisis they have for decades: intolerably high mortality rates and vastly inequitable chances at life. In total, more than 5.0 million children under age 5, including 2.4 million newborns, alo...ng with 2.2 million children and youth aged 5 to 24 years – 43 per cent of whom are adolescents – died in 2020. This tragic and massive loss of life, most of which was due to preventable or treatable causes, is a stark reminder of the urgent need to end preventable deaths of children and young people.
English Analysis on World about Climate Change and Environment, Recovery and Reconstruction and Epidemic; published on 26 Oct 2021 by UNEP