This timely report comes at a decisive moment in history where
we can reshape urban environments and health systems for the
majority of the world’s population that live in cities. Enabling
this transformation are the SDGs, which have reconfigured how
governments and the international community... need to plan and
implement actions to eradicate poverty and inequality, create
inclusive economic growth, preserve the planet and improve
population health. Central to this quest is to create equitable,
healthier cities for sustainable development.
he refugee flow to Ethiopia continued during 2018, with 36,1351 persons seeking safety and protection within the country’s borders. At the start of 2019, the nation hosted 905,8312 thousand refugees who were forced to flee their homes as a result of insecurity, political instability, military cons...cription, conflict, famine and other problems in their countries of origin. Ethiopia is one of the largest refugee asylum countries world-wide, and the second largest in Africa, reflecting the ongoing fragility and conflict in the region. Ethiopia provides protection to refugees from some 26 countries. Among the principal factors leading to this situation are predominantly the conflict in South Sudan, the prevailing political environment in Eritrea, together with conflict and draught in Somalia.
В этих новых руководящих принципах рекомендуется использовать упрощенный алгоритм скрининга, основанного на четырех клинических симптомах, для выявления ...иц, которым показана либо ПТИ, либо дальнейшая диагностика для выявления ТБ и других заболеваний.
Specifically the Strategy focuses on five strategic objectives:
commitment to action on Healthy Ageing in every country;
developing age-friendly environments;
aligning health systems to the needs of older populations;
developing sustainable and equitable systems for providing lon...g-term care (home, communities, institutions); and
improving measurement, monitoring and research on Healthy Ageing.
Available in Englisch, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
В борьбе с туберкулезом достигнуты значительные прорывы, среди которых ускоренные и более точные методы диагностики и первые новые лекарственные средства за 50 л...т, однако сохраняется губительное отставание во внедрении этих нововведений в практику и обеспечения доступа к ним для уязвимых и социально ущемленных групп населения, в том числе заключенных, людей, живущих с ВИЧ, внутренних и внешних мигранты и наркопотребителей
Endorsed by the CCM Georgia on April 15th 2015
Accessed: 26.09.2019
Mid-term review of The National AIDS Programme 2011-15
October 2013
Zero new HIV infections
Zero Discrimination
Zero AIDS related deaths
Accessed: 04.10.2019
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS VOL. 14 NO. 1 2017
SAHARA J. 2017; 14(1): 77–84.
Published online 2017 Sep 21. doi: 10.1080/17290376.2017.1374878
PMCID: PMC5639614
PMID: 28934916
Цель настоящего документа («Основные положения») заключается в подготовке рекомендаций относительно необходимых на национальном уровне мер по адаптации стратег...и Всемирной организации здравоохране-ния по ликвидации туберкулеза, началу ее осуществления и реализации.
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144057 December 14, 2015
PLOS ONE | March 9, 2018
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Each year, the WHO Global TB Report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, at global, regional and country levels. This is done in the context of global TB commitments, strategies and targets.
The... 2021 edition of the report has been produced in a new and more web-centric format. This is designed to make the content available in smaller (more “bite-sized”) chunks that are easier to read, digest, navigate and use. There is a short and slim report PDF with 30 pages of main content plus six short annexes. This is accompanied by expanded and more detailed digital content on web pages. The total amount of content remains similar to that of previous years.
Available in English, French, Arabic and Chinese
PLOS ONE | October 9, 2017
The devastating impacts of the 2015–16 El Niño will be felt well into 2017. This crisis was predicted, yet overall, the response has been too little too late. The looming La Niña event may further hit communities that are already deeply vulnerable. To end this cycle of failure, there is an urgen...t need for humanitarian action where the situation is already dire, to prepare for La Niña later this year, to commit to comprehensive new measures to build communities’ resilience, and to mobilize global action to address climate change which is creating a ‘new normal’ of higher temperatures, drought and unpredictable growing seasons.
This publication aims to provide examples of better palliative care practices for older people to help those involved in planning and supporting care-oriented services most appropriately and effectively. Examples have been identifi ed from literature searches and from an international call... for examples through various organizations, including the European Association of Palliative Care and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Some examples consider how to improve aspects within the whole health system; specifi c smaller examples consider how to improve palliative care education, support in the community, in hospitals or for specifi c groups of people, such as people in nursing homes and people with dementia and their families. Some examples await rigorous evaluation of effectiveness, and more research is needed in this fi eld, especially the cost–effectiveness and generalizability of these initiatives.