UNICEF's global work on statistics and monitoring the situation of children & women
WHO published and launched the third part of the Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP) series consisting of two sub-packages: the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Managers (WSTPm) and the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Stakeholders (WSTPs). WHO recognises that in order to develo...p an effective and sustainable wheelchair service provision; managers and stakeholders need to be informed about the importance and benefit of a proper wheelchair service provision. The training manuals and introductory folder comes with 8 GB PenDrive, which contains A to Z of the wheelchair provision.
Save the Children in Albania is establishing and strengthening structures and mechanisms which monitor and advocate for children’s rights, promote ways to protect children from all forms of exploitation and violence and also empower and support children and their representatives to meaningfully ad...vocate for implementation of their rights and influence decisions that bring about changes in their future lives.
BMC Pedaitrics. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2431-12-90
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine | The aim of this study was to explore the risk factors for stillbirth and neonatal death and change in perinatal outcomes after the introduction of helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement Cycle in Nepal.
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.
Curriculum and Technical Training Module about Health Advocacy Management for Health Promotion Officer
- Part A is an introductory part which will give you background information about CBDRR in Myanmar. It has a small section about the importance of CBDRR in Myanmar, the stakeholders of CBDRR in Myanmar, as well as an overview about the challenges that are faced when implementing CBDRR... in Myanmar.
- Part B contains the instructions on how to conduct the 9-step process agreed upon and described in detail in the step-by-step methodology document. These nine (9) steps are considered the minimum required activities to be followed by all MRCS community based initiatives regardless of their budget or time frame.
- Part C includes all the implementation steps of CBDRR programs namely step 6 (Action Plan Development), and step 7 (Implementation of Action Plan).
- Part D includes all the steps that finalize a CBDRR program namely step 4 and step 8 (Baseline and Endline Study) as well as step 9 (Handover & Exit Strategy).
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 3
No publication year indicated.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 4
No publication year indicated.
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
Key messages
• Ensuring access to HIV prevention and critical services for non-disclosed men who have sex with men (MSM) remains a priority in Myanmar.
• Internet, social media and mobile applications can be important means for reaching these me...n with HIV prevention messages and referral to services.
• Strategies to protect individual privacy, confidentiality and security are essential for making mobile phone and web-based health services available, accessible and acceptable to MSM.
During the reporting period no significant rainfall was recorded in Cox’s Bazar: this past week brought 29 mm of rain in comparison to 115.25 mm for the previous week. As expected, far fewer weather hazard incidents were recorded in the Rohingya camps: 69 individuals (16 HH) were affected by lands...lide and wind-storm incidents, versus 660 individuals (155 HH) affected the previous week by fire, flood, water-logging, landslide and wind-storm incidents. Taking advantage of the dry weather, relocation of families at high risk of landslide and flood continues; during the last two weeks a total of 963 individuals (236 HH) were relocated to Camp 4 Extension and Camp 20 Extension. Dry weather also allowed for increased risk mitigation activities.