Expanding access to quality health services through task sharing
Framework of Indictors and Targets
The study on refugee economies shows that refugees and former refugees are contributing positively to Zambia’s economy in various ways and have the potential to contribute even further if legal and other obstacles are removed.
The study targeted mainly Congolese, Burundian, Somali, and Rwandan re...fugees as well as former refugees from Rwanda and Angola in urban areas and the two rural refugee settlements, Mayukwayukwa (Kaoma District/Western Province) and Meheba (Kaulumbila District/North-Western Province).
The Demographic Dividend study on Rwanda assessed the socio-economic and human development potential of our country in the short, medium and long-term period using a comprehensive approach. It generated relevant policy and programme information to guide a well-informed polciy required to propel Rwan...da towards achieving its aspirations of being high middle income country by 2035 and high income country by 2050.
The primary objectives of this study were to assess Rwanda’s prospects for harnessing the demographic dividend and demonstrate priority policy and programme options that the country should adopt in order to optimise its chances of earning a maximum demographic dividend in the context of its youthful population and medium, long-term socio-economic development aspirations.
The Demographic Dividend study on Rwanda assessed the socio-economic and human development potential of our country in the short, medium and long-term period using a comprehensive approach. It generated relevant policy and programme information to guide a well-informed polciy required to propel Rwan...da towards achieving its aspirations of being high middle income country by 2035 and high income country by 2050.
The primary objectives of this study were to assess Rwanda’s prospects for harnessing the demographic dividend and demonstrate priority policy and programme options that the country should adopt in order to optimise its chances of earning a maximum demographic dividend in the context of its youthful population and medium, long-term socio-economic development aspirations.
World Health Organization Country profiles 2017
Pan African Medical Journal 2017;27:215. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.27.215.12994
Las directrices actualizadas del mhGAP, la retroalimentación de
información y la evaluación de la versión 1.0 de la GI-mhGAP
por los usuarios han permitido la revisión y elaboración de esta
versión actualizada de la guía. En el año 2015, se llevó a cabo y
se publicó una actualización... completa de las directrices mhGAP
conforme a la metodología de la OMS para la formulación de
directrices, que incluyó el proceso de análisis de datos científicos
y la síntesis y formulación de recomendaciones mediante la
participación de un grupo de expertos internacionales e
instituciones con experiencia apropiada: médicos clínicos,
investigadores, directores de programa, formuladores de
políticas y usuarios de los servicios. Se pueden encontrar detalles
de los métodos y las recomendaciones actualizadas en el centro
de datos de investigación del mhGAP: http://www.who.int/
DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, VOLUME 36, ARTICLE 37, PAGES 1081-1108; PUBLISHED 5 APRIL 2017; http://www.demographic-research.org/Volumes/Vol36/37/; DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.37
WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, April 2017, 6(1) 8 pp. 211 kB
J Hepatol (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2017.03.021