This publication’s primary purpose is to provide a compilation of actions to address malnutrition in all its forms, in a concise and user-friendly format to help in decision-making processes for integration of nutrition interventions in national health policies, strategies, and plans based on coun...try-specific needs and global priorities.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23 July 2018
Meeting Report
Public Health Factsheet
Accessed: 29.09.2019
he WHO Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) propose evidence-based recommendations for health care professionals to prevent, slow or reverse declines in the physical and mental capacities of older people. These recommendations require countries to place the needs and preferences of... older adults at the centre and to coordinate care. The ICOPE Guidelines will allow countries to improve the health and well-being of their older populations, and to move closer to the achievement of universal health coverage for all at all ages
Brochure available in Russian, Arabic, Chinese, French; Japanese; Spanisch
The WHO Health Emergencies Programme is currently monitoring 118 events in the region. This week’s main articles cover the following events:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Togo
Measles in Chad
Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Équateur Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Evaluation report November 2014
Mid-term review of The National AIDS Programme 2011-15
October 2013
Evaluation report
September 2014
In the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Issue-based Coalition on Health and Well-being for All at All Ages in Europe and Central Asia
July 2019
Policy brief
HIV Treatment
HIV Treatment - Interim Guidance
План предназначен как методическое руководство для наиболее приоритетных стран Региона при разработке собственных долго- и краткосрочных национальных планов в о...тношении ТБ, а также послужит руководством к действию для Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ и всех других партнеров по борьбе с ТБ.
Second Edition
Monitoring and Evaluation