Presentation is current through November 21, 2014 and will be updated every Friday by 5pm. For the most up-to-date information, please visit
*Presentation contains materials from CDC, MSF, and WHO
This paper has been commissioned by RedR to identify gaps in skills, technology, and knowledge in urban humanitarian response in order to inform RedR’s project Ready to Respond which is looking to address these gaps in two specific areas:
Water supply, sanitation, and hygiene; Shelter res...ponse to earthquakes
PLoS Curr. 2014 Aug 29;6. pii: ecurrents.dis.17ad1f98fb85be80785d0a81ced6a7a6. doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.17ad1f98fb85be80785d0a81ced6a7a6.
What are the political, economic, social and security implications of the Ebola crisis, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone?
A Toolbox of Conflict Sensitive Indicators.
This toolbox adapts a sample of 15 indicators from the SPHERE Project's Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response to be even more conflict sensitive while remaining practical and user-friendly
EVALUATION REPORT | This evaluation is the first comprehensive global exercise to examine UNICEF’s programme response in protecting children in emergencies. Its purpose is to strengthen child protection programming by assessing performance in recent years and to draw lessons and recommendations will influence ongoing and future programmes. It is expected that the findings of the evaluation will inform the roll-out of the Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The evaluation design includes country case studies analysing outcomes for children against the medium term strategic plan (MTSP, 2006-2013), the CCCs and selected evaluation questions. Twelve countries provided data for the analysis, four as case studies with country visits and standalone reports (Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC], Pakistan and South Sudan) and a further eight countries as desk studies (Afghanistan, Haiti, Myanmar, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, State of Palestine and Sudan). Four of the countries (Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan and the Philippines) are disaster-affected and sudden-onset contexts while the remainder are primarily contexts of protracted conflict that include sudden-onset upsurges in violence.
Increasing the Odds: A Series to Understanding Gambling Disorders. Vol.7
All editions of Increasing the Odd sare available as a free download at
A Resource Book of Inclusive Practices
Detonation of a nuclear weapon or activation of a radiological dispersal device could cause radioactively contaminated decedents. These guidelines are designed to address both of these scenarios. They could also be applicable in other instances where decedents’ bodies are contaminated with radioa...ctive material (e.g. reactor accidents, transportation accidents involving radioactive material, or
the discharge of a decedent from a hospital after injection or implantation of a radiopharmaceutical). These guidelines suggest ways for medical examiners, coroners, and morticians to deal with loose surface contamination, internal contamination, or shrapnel on or in decedents’ bodies.
This study examines over 20 years of CBR implementation in Nepal. It includes an overview of CBR interventions, provides analysis of approaches and activities in terms of impact and sustainability and makes recommendations for future developments in CBR. This resource is useful for people interested... in CBR in Nepal