En 2015, el 26% de los decesos de 5,9 millones de niños que murieron antes de cumplir los cinco años podría haberse prevenido
abordando los riesgos medioambientales; una impactante oportunidad perdida. El período prenatal y de la primera infancia
representa un escenario de particular vulnerabi...lidad, donde los peligros medioambientales pueden conducir al parto prematuro y otras complicaciones, y aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar una enfermedad de por vida, como enfermedades respiratorias, enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer. De este modo, el medio ambiente representa un factor importante en la salud infantil, así como una gran oportunidad de implementar mejoras, con efectos observados en cada región del mundo
The Planetary Health Education Framework is a project of the Planetary Health Alliance (planetaryhealthalliance.org). The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of over 250 partners from around the world committed to understanding and addressing the human health impacts of global environmental ch...ange
Best Practices Report.PART 1 Primary Protection: Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climatei Primary Protection: EnhancingU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
One Earth Perspective. Cell Press
The Kigali Declaration on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) is a high-level, political declaration which aims to mobilise political will and secure commitments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) target on NTDs and to deliver the targets set out in the World Health Organization’s... Neglected Tropical Disease Roadmap (2021-2030).
Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Kiswahli, Chinese,
This guideline aims to improve the quality of essential, routine postnatal care for women and newborns with the ultimate goal of improving maternal and newborn health and well-being. It recognizes a “positive postnatal experience” as a significant end point for all women giving birth and their n...ewborns, laying the platform for improved short- and long-term health and well-being. A positive postnatal experience is defined as one in which women, newborns, partners, parents, caregivers and families receive information, reassurance and support in a consistent manner from motivated health workers; where a resourced and flexible health system recognizes the needs of women and babies, and respects their cultural context.
This is a consolidated guideline of new and existing recommendations on routine postnatal care for women and newborns receiving facility- or community-based postnatal care in any resource setting.
The Executive Board at its 150th session noted an earlier version of this report.1 The present report provides an update on the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan on Polio Transition (2018–2023)2 at the start of 2022, within the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
This guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
This guide for facilita...tors provides information for leading the three home visits. It is a reference manual to be used in conjunction with specific training in caregiver skills training and under supervision. The guide includes detailed descriptions of the objectives and activities for each home visit. Goal setting information and forms are also included, along with information for trouble shooting and problem solving.
The Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa, developed jointly by FAO and the African Union Commission (AUC) through a multi-stakeholder and participatory process, highlight the importance of youth as change agents and key stakeholders contributing to sustainable agrifood syste...ms. The guidelines aim to accelerate investments in and by youth in agrifood systems by providing practical guidance - including tools and examples - to design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate youth-focused and youth-sensitive investment programmes and to engage youth fully as partners in the entire process.
Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.30. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aogh.2647
The threat climate change poses to health, equity, and development has been rigorously documented. However, in an era marked by economic crisis, regional conflicts, natural disasters and growing disparities between rich and poor, the joint global actions required to address climate change have been ...vigorously debated – and critical decisions postponed.
This document, part of WHO’s Health in the Green Economy series, describes how many climate change measures can be “win-wins” for people and the planet.
These policies yield large, immediate public health benefits while reducing the upward trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions. Many of these policies can improve the health and equity of people in poor countries and assist developing countries in adapting to climate change that is already occurring, as evidenced by more extreme storms, flooding, drought and heatwaves.
WHO’s Department of Public Health and Environment launched the Health in the Green Economy initiative in 2010 to review potential health and equity “co-benefits” of proposed climate change measures – as well as relevant risks.
This review examines mitigation strategies discussed in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which constitutes the most broad-based global review of mitigation options by scientific experts.
Intended for use primarily by those responsible for developing policies and directing the working practices of nurses, midwives and other frontline health-care providers, these guidelines aim to promote and strengthen the case against the medicalization of female genital mutilation and support and p...rotect nurses, midwives and other health personnel in adhering to WHO guidelines not to close an opened-up infibulation.
Practical Guide to Occupational Health Management for Covid-19
A Associação Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho – ANAMT e a Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde – SGETS/MS, considerando as ações governamentais das instâncias federal, estadual, distrital e municipal para... o enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID -19; as atualizações de protocolos clínico-epidemiológicos da OMS, OPAS, do Ministério da Saúde e as regulamentações publicadas pelas demais autoridades sanitárias brasileiras, resolvem elaborar um Guia Prático de Gestão em Saúde no Trabalho para nortear o Plano de Contingência durante a Pandemia de Covid-19 e a retomada das atividades econômicas no país, com vistas à segurança à saúde do trabalhador e do ambiente de trabalho.
Esta quarta edição do manual se baseia no esquema de avaliação de risco apresentado na terceira edição. Uma avaliação completa, baseada em evidências e transparente dos riscos permite que as medidas de segurança sejam equilibradas com o risco real de trabalhar com agentes biológicos, caso... a caso. Isso permitirá que os países implementem políticas e práticas de biossegurança e biosseguridade laboratoriais economicamente viáveis e sustentáveis que sejam relevantes para suas circunstâncias e prioridades individuais.A necessidade de atualizar as diretrizes de biossegurança de laboratórios internacionais faz parte de uma iniciativa mais ampla para globalizar a biossegurança e enfatizar os princípios e as abordagens que são acessíveis a países que tenham ampla gama de recursos financeiros, técnicos e regulatórios. A OMS revisou o Regulamento Sanitário Internacional em 2005 “para ajudar a comunidade internacional a prevenir e a responder aos riscos agudos de saúde pública que tenham o potencial de cruzar fronteiras e ameaçar pessoas em todo o mundo”. Esses regulamentos exigem que todos os 196 estados-membros da OMS estejam bem preparados para surtos em potencial e novas doenças; isso inclui o diagnóstico precoce e a confirmação laboratorial para facilitar a prevenção e o controle de infecções.
Checklist to support the reopening of schools and preparation for resurgences of COVID-19 or similar public health crises.
O objetivo desta lista de verificação é reforçar a conformidade e a adesão às medidas de saúde pública delineadas no documento recentemente atualizado Considerations fo...r school-related public health measures in the context of COVID-19 [Considerações para medidas de saúde pública relacionadas a escolas no contexto da COVID-19], considerando-se principalmente as crianças menores de 18 anos em contextos educacionais e em escolas com recursos limitados. A lista de verificação foi elaborada de acordo com os princípios e as abordagens das escolas promotoras de saúde.7,8 Este documento destaca a importância da coordenação multinível (ou seja, nos níveis escolar, subnacional e nacional) e de abordagens participativas e cocriadas pelas várias partes interessadas (por exemplo, trabalhadores das escolas, professores, alunos e pais). Esta abordagem visa a otimizar o cumprimento das medidas sociais e de saúde pública baseadas nos contextos sociais e culturais, conforme descrito no documento Considerations for implementing and adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19 [Considerações para a implementação e ajuste de medidas sociais e de saúde pública no contexto da COVID-19].