New research published today shows that older, disabled and injured Syrian refugees are paying a double toll as a result of the conflict. The report, released by Handicap International and HelpAge International, provides new data showing how much these vulnerable refugees are struggling to meet thei...r specific needs
Interim Recommendation published 19 September 2014. These recommendations reflect current understanding of Ebola virus disease (EVD) and are intended for national laboratory staff performing diagnostic testing to detect Ebola virus.
This document contains summary information on the latest projections from the IHME model on COVID-19 in Peru. The model was run on July 15, 2022, with data through July 10, 2022.
The WHO health advisory provides guidance to countries on adapting all existing preparedness and response plans and procedures for natural hazards such as cyclones, tropical storms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and potential outbreaks of other diseases to their existing COVID-19 strategic prepared...ness and response plans. It advises countries to sustain all established public health and social measures to prevent and control COVID-19 while simultaneously preparing for responding to and effectively manage other disaster risks and events. It highlights WHO’s call for local, national, regional and global solidarity to support countries and communities with high levels of vulnerability to natural hazards during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This document contains summary information on the latest projections from the IHME model on COVID-19
in Brazil. The model was run on July 15, 2022, with data through July 13, 2022.
Orientierung geben für Fraün, ihre Familien und ihre Kinder nach Flucht und Migration
Wie kann ein Einleben bzw. eine Integration von Familien nach Flucht oder Migration gelingen? Anhand der verschiedenen Projekte der Stiftung stellt die Publikation wirksame Bausteine für erfolgreiche Massnahm...en und Projekte zur Orientierungshilfe dar. Damit möchten die Stiftung Kommunen in Deutschland anregen diese Bausteine als Grundlage für Integrationsbemühungen aufzugreifen und ebenfalls ähnliche Projekte aufzubaün.
4 April 2020
This interim guidance on oxygen sources and distribution strategies for COVID-19 treatment has been adapted from WHO and UNICEF’s technical specifications and guidance for oxygen therapy devices, which is part of the WHO medical device technical series. This guidance is intended for facility administrators, clinical decision-makers, procurement officers, planning officers, biomedical engineers, infrastructure engineers and policy-makers. It describes how to quantify oxygen demand, identify oxygen sources that are available, and select appropriate surge sources to best respond to COVID-19 patients’ needs, especially in low-and-middle income countries.
National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Conrol Programme
This Making It Work multi-stakeholder initiative documents good practice for inclusive employment of people with disabilities, in order to promote effective implementation Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in seven West African countries. “The objective was to... make recommendations for public and private employers, microfinance institutions, governments and their partners in order that they become agents of change and commit themselves to inclusive policies promoting access to decent jobs for people with disabilities in West Africa” - See more at: