A guide for Regional Workshop and Hospital Technicians
A review of Save the Children’s work to promote the rights of children with disabilities
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development
Education of children with disabilities in India and Pakistan: An analysis of developments since 2000 | Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 | Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges
A all for global Action. The Oral Health Atlas. Second edition
Up-to-date Literature review current through: Jan 2015. | This topic last updated: Jan 29, 2015.
Department of Behavioural Medicine, Lagos State University College of Medicine Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria
Global Mental Health (2015), 2, e5, page 1 of 12. doi:10.1017/gmh.2015.8;
Received 29 January 2015; Revised 8 April 2015; Accepted 15 April 2015
Principles and Target Product Criteria. Roadmap January 12, 2015
Blended Learning Modulef or the Health Extension Programme
In this study session, you will learn about the general features of faeco-oraldiseases: the main types commonly found in Ethiopia, their general symptomsand signs, how to treat mild cases and when to refer patients with severeconditions for... specialised treatment, or laboratory tests to confirm thediagnosis. You will also learn about the importance of giving effective healtheducation to your community on ways to prevent and control faeco-oraldiseases.
This report is a comprehensive statistical overview of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the 29 countries where the practice is concentrated. Analysis of the data reflects current perspectives on FGM/C, informed by the latest policy, programmatic and theoretical evidence.
The Global status report on violence prevention 2014, which reflects data from 133 countries, is the first report of its kind to assess national efforts to address interpersonal violence, namely child maltreatment, youth violence, intimate partner and sexual violence, and elder abuse. Jointly publis...hed by WHO, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the report reviews the current status of violence prevention efforts in countries, and calls for a scaling up of violence prevention programmes; stronger legislation and enforcement of laws relevant for violence prevention; and enhanced services for victims of violence.
You can download summaries in different languages, single chapters and graphics
This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive approaches to MAM, providing practical guidance for implementers and programme managers, and highlighting gaps in evidence and guidance.
Bioethics 519 (online) doi:10.1111/bioe.12145 Volume 29 Number 8 2015 pp. 488–596;
Pandemic plans recommend phases of response to an emergent infectious disease (EID) outbreak, and are primarily aimed at preventing and mitigating human-to-human transmission. These plans carry presumptive weight ...and are increasingly being operationalized at the national, regional and international level with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). The conventional focus of pandemic preparedness for EIDs of zoonotic origin has been on public health and human welfare. However, thisfocus on human populations has resulted in strategically important disciplinary silos. As the risks of zoonotic diseases have implications that reach across many domains outside traditional public health, including anthropological, environmental, and veterinary fora, a more inclusive ecological perspective is paramount for an effective response to future outbreaks.
The Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia has developed the guidelines to meet the urgent need for up -to-date information and evidence-based recommendations