Accessed: 07.03.2020
A Review of Community Health Worker (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to the sexual health of MSM, including existing training materials and manuals in Europe and neighbouring countries (D5.1)
Contract 2015 71 01 A behavioural survey for HIV/AIDS and assoc...iated infections and a survey and tailored training for community based health workers to facilitate access and improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis and health care services for men who have sex with men (MSM).
Pubic Health
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
ISSN: (Online) 2071-2936, (Print) 2071-2928
J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2017 ; 16(5): 499–505. doi:10.1177/2325957417709089.
July 2014
This report was made possible through support provided by the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, mPowering Frontline Health Workers, Intel, and USAID. This report was authored by Cindil Redick for mPowering Frontline Health Workers under the terms of Contract No. GHS-A-00-08...-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.
This is the first NAP on the Prevention and Containment of AMR in Kenya. It has been developed based on the National Policy on Prevention and Containment of AMR and the recommendations of the situation analysis on AMR conducted in 2011 and updated in 2016. This strategy provides a regulatory and imp...lementation framework to establish and strengthen systems to contain the emergence and spread of AMR. Implementation of this strategy will require substantial funding and high-level political commitment. Because AMR is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral issue, successful implementation of this strategy will require effective coordination and collaboration among different sectors.
In Vietnam, most of the examination and treatment facilities are facing with of spread of bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. The level and speed of drug resistance are increasing, at alarming level. The burden of drug resistance is increasing due to the increasing cost of treatment, prolonged t...reatment,. That will affect patients’ health, community and social development. In the future, many
nations will be able to face the possibility of having no effective drugs to treat infectious diseases if they do not make appropriate interventions.
La Burkina Faso met en oevre depuis plusieurs années la stratégie de la participation communautaire dans son système de santé.
L'objectif principal de cette stratégie est d'impliquer les populations dans le processus de prise de décisionen vue d'améliorer l'utilisation des services de sant...é et une adhésion massive des communautés aux activités de promotion de la santé. Les données empiriques indiquent une faible implication des communautés dans les activités de promotion de la participation. Le présent article vise à cerner les perceptions des populations locales en lien avec la paritcipation communautaire à la santé.
AMR is one of the Key priority of the global health security agenda action package, as well as it is one of the commitments of Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan to combat AMR. In Afghanistan because of war and some other political issues the borders of the country are not well secured and well c...ontrolled therefore control of smuggling of medicine is a big challenge in front of the rational use of medicine. Lack of knowledge (professionals and public), poor economic state, conflict of war, presence of remote areas and etc…. are the other main challenges for this to won the battle of combating AMR.
This action plan for the Kingdom Saudi Arabia to combat antimicrobial resistance has been formulated in the line of the WHO five objectives. It addresses the need for effective “one health” approach involving coordination among numerous national sectors and actors, including human and veterinary... medicine, agriculture, finance, environment, and well-informed consumers. Therefore, a large committee of all stakeholders was formed with five technical subcommittees were established to addresses every aspect
to contain antimicrobial resistance in the country.
The increasing global trend of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has gradually emerged as a major public health challenge for the entire world. AMR has spread to almost all countries and regions, including Pakistan owing to the “misuse and overuse” of Antimicrobials, contributing to the increasing ...burden of infections due to resistant bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi, while limiting the treatment options for managing such infections.
This FY 2019 Malaria Operational Plan presents a detailed implementation plan for Burkina Faso, based on the strategies of PMI and the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). It was developed in consultation with the NMCP and with the participation of national and international partners involved in... malaria prevention and control in the country. The activities that PMI is proposing to support fit in well with the national malaria control strategy and plan and build on investments made by PMI and other partners to improve and expand malaria-related services, including malaria grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. This document briefly reviews the current status of malaria control policies and interventions in Burkina Faso, describes progress to date, identifies challenges and unmet needs to achieving the targets of the NMCP and PMI, and provides a description of activities that are planned with FY 2019 funding.
Updated Interim guidance 29 July 2020
The provision of safe water, sanitation and waste management and hygienic conditions is essential for preventing and for protecting human health during all infectious disease outbreaks, including of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Ensuring evidenced-based ...and consistently applied WASH and waste management practices in communities, homes, schools, marketplaces, and healthcare facilities will help prevent human-to-human transmission of pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
The global increase of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) presents a growing concern in healthcare worldwide. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the annual number of HAI exceeds 2.6million and produces the highest estimated amou...nt of disability-adjust-ed-life-years, surpassing all other reported communicable diseases in the European Union and European Economic Area. Multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative (MDR-GN) bacteria have become increasingly common as a cause for HAI, such as central line-as-sociated bloodstream infections, wound or surgical site infections and catheter-associated urinary tract infections
Élément culturel important, les plantes ont été utilisées pendant des siècles par les populations pour se soigner. Cependant, peu d’ethnies connaissent leur pharmacopée de par le manque d’études ethnobotaniques. La présente étude, réalisée en pays San, entité territoriale traditionn...elle (Nord-Ouest du Burkina Faso), répond à ce souci de documenter les plantes médicinales. À travers une série d’enquêtes ethnobotaniques, 75 tradithérapeutes Sananont été interviewés. Les informations recherchées ont porté sur la plante, son nom local, ses parties utilisées, les pratiques médicales et les vertus thérapeutiques afférentes. Les résultats ont montré que 94 espèces végétales sont utilisées pour combattre différentes pathologies. Les feuilles (31 %), les racines (25 %) et les écorces du tronc (23 %) sont les principales parties utilisées pour préparer les recettes. Seules ou en association, ces parties interviennent dans l’élaboration des recettes par des procédés utilisant principalement la décoction (58 %), la trituration (17 %) et la macération aqueuse (11 %). Soixante-cinq pour cent (65 %) des produits obtenus sont administrés par voie orale via la boisson et les applications externes représentent 35 %. Treize catégories d’utilisation ont été recensées. Cependant, les tradipraticiens de santé sont en désaccord sur les thérapies proposées pour traiter ces catégories. La diversité des thérapies recensées en pays San, est une richesse culturelle. Ces données de la pharmacopée san sont une base pour une étude approfondie des aptitudes sylvicoles des plantes victimes de déracinement et la création de pépinières communautaires, afin de disposer de réservoirs de plantes médicinales proches des villages.
Overuse of antimicrobial agents occurs globally in both community and hospital settings. Misuse of antibiotics can lead to a variety of adverse outcomes, including the development of antimicrobial resistanceand increased cost of hospitalization. This issuehas been particularly problematic in de...veloping countries, where antibiotic-management programs rarely exist and where antibiotics can be purchased without aprescription. In Thailand, the rate of antibiotic resistance among gram-positive and gram-negative or-ganisms has increased significantly over the past decade. These findings provide compelling evidence ofthe need for more-rational use of antimicrobial agents in Thailand.
Clinical Infectious Diseases2006; 42:768–752006 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Using antimicrobials responsibly is an essential component ofefforts to contain antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and to ensurethat patients receive appropriate treatment. The WHO global action plan on AMR emphasizes the importance of training healthcare professionals in antimicrobial prescribing and ...stew-ardship (AMPS). There are several challenges, however, such asthe wide range of healthcare professionals involved in the pre-scribing process, and the heterogeneity of prescribing rights and practices of different professional groups within and between countries. One way to address these challenges is through developing competencies, which define the minimum standards that all antimicrobial prescribers should reach.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25 (2019) 13e19
The Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP)-Mozambique team, in partnership with the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), has produced this report as part of a solid com-mitment to develop actionable policy proposals to tackle antibiotic resistance and improve appropriate... antibiotic access. It is the result of a thorough review of published and unpublished data on antibiotic resistance and a long internal consultation effort that engaged academic scientists, health professionals and other stakeholders within Mozambique.
Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. In addition, measures used to preven...t and control the spread of COVID-19 can expose children to protection risks. Home-based, facility-based and zonal-based quarantine and isolation measures can all negatively impact children and their families.
The aim of this brief is to support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1 presents the potential child protection risks COVID-19 can pose to children. Part 2 presents programmatic options in line with the 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) and the Guidance Note: Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
The Government of India is embarking on a mammoth task to prevent COVID-19 spread among communities. The Rapid Evidence Synthesis team received a request to support the planning and development of resources for ensuring preparedness of FLHWs for COVID-19 . The rapid evidence synthesis was conducted a period of three days.
The findings highlight what we can learn from recent pandemics such that we are prepared for potential scenarios and challenges due to COVID-19. Key issues which decision-makers need to consider, based on available evidence