The WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance contains the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for the clinical management of people with COVID-19. Providing guidance that is comprehensive and holistic for the optimal care of COVID-19 patients throughout their entire illness is ...important. The latest version of this living guideline is available in pdf format (via the ‘Download’ button) and via an online platform, and is updated regularly as new evidence emerges. No further updates to the previous existing recommendations were made in this latest version.
This updated (fifth) version contains 16 new recommendations for the rehabilitation of adults with post COVID-19 condition (see Chapter 24)
This updated (fourth) version contains three new recommendations regarding hospitalized patients with severe or critical COVID-19
Esta é uma versão das orientações técnicas do INEE para apoiar a educação durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Foi elaborado para servir como um documento vivo que será actualizado em resposta às mudanças nas necessidades de aprendizagem e bem-estar das crianças, adolescentes, jovens, professo...res, prestadores de cuidados e outro pessoal educativo afectado pela COVID-19.
Current evidence indicates that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets or contact. Contact transmission occurs when contaminated hands touch the mucosa of the mouth, nose, or eyes; the virus can also be transferred from one surface to another by contaminated hands, which fac...ilitates indirect contact transmission. Consequently, hand hygiene is extremely important to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It also interrupts transmission of other viruses and bacteria causing common colds, flu and pneumonia, thus reducing the general burden of disease.
Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19
Religious leaders, faith...-based organizations, and faith communities can play a major role in saving lives and reducing illness related to COVID-19.1 They are a primary source of support, comfort, guidance, and direct health care and social service, for the communities they serve. Religious leaders of faith-based organizations and communities of faith can share health information to protect their own members and wider communities, which may be more likely to be accepted than from other sources. They can provide pastoral and spiritual support during public health emergencies and other health challenges and can advocate for the needs of vulnerable populations.
Em resposta aos primeiros casos de doença coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19) notificados no continente, muitos Estados-Membros da União Africana implementaram rapidamente medidas sociais e de saúde pública em larga escala (PHSM). Estas medidas visavam reduzir a transmissão e o número de novos cas...os notificados, proteger as populações mais vulneráveis e dar tempo aos países para aumentarem os serviços críticos de saúde e diagnóstico. Embora estas acções rápidas tenham ganho tempo para os Estados-Membros, os impactos socioeconómicos negativos estão a fazer-se sentir amplamente e os países estão agora a estudar a melhor forma de atenuar estas medidas, ao mesmo tempo que gerem o surto.
O presente documento fornece orientações aos Estados-Membros da União Africana com base num pedido específico dos Estados-Membros de uma lista de controlo/orientação dos equipamentos de protecção individual (EPI) necessários aos profissionais de saúde e prestadores de cuidados para a pande...mia da doença de Coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19). Este documento foi sintetizado a partir dos dados actualmente disponíveis (1-6), tendo em conta o contexto africano e, como tal, pode ser adaptado ao contexto do país.
Physical distancing measures are important to reduce COVID-19 transmission. However, when stringently applied, they can result in negative health and socio-economic impacts. This report draws on a rapid review of available literature, case studies from across Africa and expert knowledge to make reco...mmendations on adapting classic physical distancing measures to the contextual realities in Africa and on mitigating potential negative impacts.
Debido a la actual crisis socio-económica, política y de derechos humanos en Venezuela, cerca de 4.5 millones de personas han salido de su país; convirtiéndose en la segunda peor crisis migratoria del mundo, después de Siria. Se estima que más del 20% de los refugiados y migrantes son niños y... adolescentes. Cerca del 57% de los venezolanos en el exterior se encuentran en Ecuador, Colombia y Perú, según Naciones Unidas.
En 2018, Plan International decidió implementar una estrategia regional en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, durante sus etapas de tránsito y asentamiento.
Durante los meses de junio y julio de 2019, el equipo de la oficina regional visitó más de siete ciudades entre Colombia, Ecuador y Perú para escuchar los testimonios de los refugiados y migrantes, así como para analizar sus necesidades en materia de mecanismos de protección, prevención de la violencia y salud sexual y reproductiva.
El presente documento refleja algunas de las situaciones de riesgo y violencia a las que millones de venezolanos se enfrentan cada día, desde los testimonios y experiencias de 17 refugiados y migrantes.
In the light of growing environmental concerns we are witnessing an integration of ecology into the fabric of Catholic social thought. Catholic social teaching (CST) has traditionally focused on economic and social development, encompassing issues related to human work, the economy, peace, human rig...hts, the family and national and international political development. In the light of the ecological crisis, that focus is now expanding
he central Sahel region—Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger—is facing a severe humanitarian and protection crisis.
Massive displacement, most of it driven by intense and largely indiscriminate violence perpetrated by a range of armed actors against civilian populations, is taking place across the regi...on. While internal displacement is on the rise substantial numbers of refugees have fled to neighboring countries, and the situation risks spilling over into the coastal countries of Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo.
This context is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is already affecting areas hosting refugees and IDPs
Breastfeeding is the cornerstone of infant and young child survival, nutrition and development and maternal health. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 ye...ars and beyond.1 Early and uninterrupted skin-toskin contact, rooming-in2 and kangaroo mother care3 also significantly improve neonatal survival and reduce morbidity and are recommended by WHO.
Corrigendum 23 June 2020
The consolidated guidelines are complemented by an operational handbook which is designed to assist with implementation of the WHO recommendations by Member States, technical partners and others who are involved in the management of patients with DR-TB. The WHO Operational Handbook on Tuberculosis, ...Module 4: Treatment - Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment provides practical guidance on how to put in place the recommendations at the scale needed to achieve national and global impact.
The document provides information on different aspects of care and support for TB patients. In particular, the handbook provides practical guidance on the implementation of the interventions that enable treatment adherence such as social support, treatment administration options, digital adherence technologies. The practical guidance also includes models of care for all TB patients, models of care for children and adolescents, integrated care for TB, HIV and comorbidities, engagement of private sector, managing of TB in health emergencies. This new practical handbook also includes two important chapters on health education and counselling, and palliative care for patients with TB.
Previous crises, such as the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa in 2014, indicate the direct impact movement restrictions and disease containment efforts have on food availability, access, utilization and violence – particularly gender-based violence (GBV). The importance of maintaining and ...upscaling food security interventions for the most vulnerable populations, alongside the health sector’s efforts to avert disease spread, is therefore undeniable. The COVID-19 outbreak in South Sudan threatens to paralyze an already fragile food system and negatively impact more than 6.5 million people in South Sudan who remain vulnerable. At the same time, the core national capacities for prevention, preparedness and response for public health events is limited, and the healthcare system has been weakened by years of conflict, poor governance and low investments.
This document briefly describes the macroeconomic performance before the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which is mainly characterized by severe economic depression, economic and financial sanctions by the Trump administration, and tight fiscal space that constrains to undertake additional mea...sures. It estimates three economic scenarios based on different oil price assumptions for 2020. The negative effects of the quarantine on the economy are estimated using the two biggest shocks faced by Venezuela in its recent history. It emphasizes the relevance of foreign currency and external financing to mitigate the pandemic’s impact. Finally, this paper discusses the economic measures taken by the government.
The Lancet DOI: 10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30101-8
WHO declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The pandemic eventually reached Yemen, with the first laboratory confirmed case announced on April 10. emen has structural vulnerabilities that have developed over a protracted period of conflic...t and poor governance, and its health system has suffered the most. To prevent a total collapse of Yemen’s fragile health system, the government and the international community should act now more decisively.
Introdução: Em março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou que o surto de COVID-19, doença causada por um novo coronavírus, passava a constituir uma pandemia, dada a velocidade e escala de transmissão da doença. A Região das Américas é caracterizada por uma riqueza mult...iétnica e multicultural. No entanto, povos indígenas, afrodescendentes e outros grupos étnicos, muitas vezes, sofrem discriminação e exclusão, e isso leva a desigualdades de saúde. A COVID-19 pode ter um maior impacto em certos grupos da população, como povos indígenas e afrodescendentes. Em 2017, os Estados Membros da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) aprovaram a primeira Política de Etnia e Saúde (documento CSP29/7, Rev.1), baseada no reconhecimento de diferenças entre grupos étnicos, bem como em seus respectivos desafios, necessidades e contextos históricos. A política também reforça a necessidade de uma abordagem intercultural, fundamentada na igualdade e no respeito mútuo, para melhorar os desfechos de saúde e avançar em direção à saúde universal. A OPAS prioriza a etnia como uma questão de caráter transversal no gerenciamento de emergências e desastres. Isso está refletido em uma série de regulamentos, como o Plano de Ação 2016-2021 para a Redução do Risco de Desastres e outros manuais, diretrizes e iniciativas.
N95 or equivalent respirators are single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) designed for use by health workers that provide direct care to patients with diseases transmitted by aerosols or during aerosol generating procedures (AGP) for patients with acute respiratory disease, as is the case of ...COVID-19. • Given the current shortage of N95 and equivalent respirators, the World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested the possibility of their extended use by the same individual for up to 6 hours or the reprocessing of respirators when necessary.