UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018-2021. Draft Theory of Change Paper
This document is one of eight PDF documents that comprise the Guidance on Child-focused Victim
Assistance. All are available in PDF at . The full document is also available.
This first section contains the Acknowledgements, Foreword, Acronyms and Chapters 1 th...rough 4: Chapter 1. Introduction: The Need for Child-focused Victim Assistance Guidance; Chapter 2. Mine Action, UNICEF and Guidance on Child Victim Assistance ;Chapter 3. Victim Assistance: Stakeholders and International Standards; Chapter 4. Principles, Coordination and Cross-cutting Aspects of Victim Assistance
Global Education Review, 3(3).4-27
This handbook aims to give practical guidance to support development organisations to mainstream disability into their work. It is primarily intended for VSO programmes, but could be useful to other development actors interested in mainstreaming disability, such as NGOs, gover...nment and donors
Children with disabilities in South Africa: The hidden reality is part of a multiple-country study conducted by ACPF. The study seeks to analyse how cultural, social, physical and other societal barriers prevent children with disabilities from enjoying their constitutional rights to equality, freedo...m and human dignity. It also seeks to establish opportunities and practices that could be used to address these barriers to enhance disabled children’s participation in society.
Conference Report Sao Paulo, Brazil 22-24 October 2015
This report situates disability and inclusion within the broader context of sustainable development, with a particular focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The paper provides background on the historical role of the UN in promoting inclusion and outlines the current trends and challeng...es facing people with disabilities globally. The following section presents these challenges within the context of the SDGs, showing that disability needs to be tackled if the SDGs are to be achieved. It concludes with a number of recommendations for a disability-inclusive 2030 agenda for sustainable development
you can find all 14 Technical Booklets on Inclusive Education, produced by UNICEF, in ENGLISH. Other versions can be found on the website https://www.ded4inclusion.com/inclusive-education-resources-free/unicef-inclusive-education-booklets-and-webinars-english-version. Each Technical Booklet (and com...panion webinar) introduces a sub-theme of particular interest within Inclusive Education, and each was written by an expert, and peer-reviewed widely
salud pública de méxico / vol. 50, suplemento 2 de 2008, pp.167-177.
In response to the emerging global concern regarding health and people with intellectual disabilities (ID), several developed countries have established national initiatives to address the unique health needs of this population ...segment. However, most people with ID reside in countries with developing economies, such as many Latin American countries, yet there is virtually no information on the health of people with ID in these regions. Countries with developing economies face distinct challenges in promoting health among this population segment that may preclude adoption or adaptation of policies and practices developed in regions with established economies. This paper will address the issue of health promotion among people with ID in Latin America, an area that is undergoing significant reforms in both health care and disability rights