On 6 February at 4:17 am, a 7.8 degrees magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey near Syria’s
northern border. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake was centered about 33 km (20 miles)
from Gaziantep, a major city and provincial capital. Tremors were felt as far away as Lebanon, Greece...,
Palestine, and the island of Cyprus. Another big earthquake was felt on the same day at around 1:24
pm local time, largely in the same affected areas. Aftershocks will continue to shake the area as fault
lines adjust to such a huge initial tremor. There’s even a risk—albeit a small one—of an aftershock
bigger than the original quake.
Caribbean Sub-regional Training Workshop. Introducing the new guidelines: Preparedness and Response for Chikungunya Virus Introduction in the Americas in the context of Dengue
The Wits Justice Project
HIV Nursing Matters / page 30-33 / June 2015
Source: Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Arrested, Detained and Sentenced Persons, 2008.
World J Meta-Anal. Aug 26, 2017; 5(4): 103-123
Published online Aug 26, 2017. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v5.i4.103
Session outline
•Introduction to depression
•Assessment of depression
•Management of depression