Accessed on 04.04.2023
The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) is an international
non-profit organization that discovers, develops, and delivers safe,
effective, and affordable treatments for the most neglected patients
Le fonctionnement de la prise en charge des patients séropositifs au Bénin, le cas de l’Atacora
Accessed January 2019, publication date unknown.
Практический подход к разработке политики и стратегии в целях повышения качества медицинской помощи
Monkeypox is an emerging viral zoonosis with symptoms similar to those observed in smallpox patients, although less severe. Since the global eradication of smallpox in 1980, monkeypox has emerged as the most important orthopoxvirus in humans. The Advisory Committee on Variola Virus Research (ACVVR) ...which meets annually to oversee smallpox research has highlighted the importance of diagnostics that could distinguish between variola and other strains of orthopoxviruses, including monkeypox virus. The ACVVR encourages the positive effects of current smallpox research on all orthopoxviruses, specifically monkeypox, such as the development of diagnostic tools.
Página actualizada en agosto del 2018: 8/14/18
20 de marzo del 2014
Представлены данные о факторах риска, которые способствуют развитию суицидального поведения. На развитие суицидального поведения влияет целый ряд факторов: пол, ...озраст, место проживания, профессия, семейное положение, состояние здоровья и т.д. Отмечается влияние экономических и социальных факторов на уровень суицидальной активности населения. Наблюдаются взаимосвязи между психическими расстройствами, наркологическими заболеваниями (особенно алкоголизм) и суицидом. При наличии многочисленных исследований в области суицидологии целый ряд проблем остаётся неразрешенным. Необходимо их дальнейшее изучение. Особо следует отметить значимость «региональных» факторов риска, которые оказывают наибольшее влияние на формирование суицидального поведения в отдельно взятом регионе.
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals” provides information about the SDGs, their background, the global reality and offers assistance and suggestions on how to teach and support learning for sustainable development.
Editorial| Volume 2, ISSUE 9, e415, September 01, 2021
In 2006, the Special Session of African Union Health Ministers adopted the Maputo Plan of Action for implementing the Continental Policy Framework on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), which expired at the end of 2015. The goal was for all stakeholders and partners to join forces and efforts, so that together, the effective implementation of the Continental Policy framework including universal access to sexual and reproductive health by 2015 in all countries in Africa can be achieved. The Revised Maputo Plan of Action (MPoA) 2016 – 2030 was subsequently endorsed by the African Union Heads of State at the 27th AU Summit in July 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. The plan reinforces the call for universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in Africa and lays foundation to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 and 5, as well as the African Union Agenda 2063.