El resumen ejecutivo del Informe de la OMS sobre la situación mundial de la salud bucodental presenta una instantánea de los datos más recientes sobre las principales enfermedades bucodentales, los factores de riesgo, los retos para los sistemas de salud y las oportunidades de reforma. La clara c...onclusión del informe es que la situación de la salud bucodental a nivel mundial es alarmante y requiere una acción urgente. El informe servirá de referencia para los responsables de la formulación de políticas y permitirá a un amplio abanico de partes interesadas de diferentes sectores orientar su labor de promoción hacia una mejor priorización de la salud bucodental en los contextos mundial, regional y nacional. Además, el informe proporciona, como un recurso en línea separado, los primeros perfiles nacionales de salud bucodental para los 194 Estados Miembros de la OMS, lo que da una visión única de las áreas y los marcadores clave de la salud bucodental que son relevantes para los responsables de la adopción de decisiones.
This document is an addendum to the Revised Supplementary Appeal issued in April 2022, reflecting UNHCR’s updated financial requirements for the Ukraine situation for March to December 2022. UNHCR is appealing for an additional $170 million for activities within Ukraine, to scale up urgentlyneeded... winterization and other ongoing programmes, under the four-month extension of the Ukraine Flash Appeal issued in August 2022.
Updated situation
There are 17.7 million people in Ukraine in urgent need of protection and assistance, including 6.2 million who are internally displaced. Housing conditions for millions of people have become increasingly perilous since the start of the international armed conflict.
Since the first edition of the CDAC snapshot of communication, community engagement and accountability (CCEA) across the Ukraine response was published in May 2022, a conscious effort has been made by international, national and local responders to ramp up CCEA action. Progress has been made in esta...blishing coordination mechanisms and launching activities, particularly around accountability to affected people (AAP). As CCEA work continues to scale up on the ground, a greater focus and more effort are still needed on community-facing information and two-way communication; this should be accorded a higher priority than at present.
Ukraine situation
- 7 million internally displaced in Ukraine (IDP) (OCHA, Ukraine Situation Report, 21 September 2022)
- 3.3 million children in need in Ukraine (UNICEF HAC as of August 23 2022)
- 17.7 million people in need in Ukraine (UNICEF HAC as of August 23 2022)
- 2.3 million children ta...rgeted by UNICEF Response in Ukraine from March to December 2022 (UNICEF revised HAC as of October 2022)
This document provides an overview of malaria trends in all WHO regions as contained in the World malaria report 2022.
Ce document donne un aperçu des tendances du paludisme dans toutes les régions de l'OMS, telles qu'elles figurent dans le Rapport 2022 sur le paludisme dans le monde.
Este documento proporciona una descripción general de las tendencias de la malaria en todas las regiones de la OMS, tal como figura en el Informe mundial sobre la malaria 2022.
East and West Hararghe zones are located within Oromia region, one of the largest and most populated regions of Ethiopia. Like many parts of Oromia and the country, over 80% of the people in East and West Hararghe rely on agricultural livelihoods. This baseline survey target districts are Babile, an...d Kersa in East Hararghe, and Mieso woreda in West Hararghe zone. Babile woreda has a population of 117,682 residing in 22 kebeles. The woreda hosts 14, 545 displaced households from neighboring region Somali. Kersa woreda bordered on the south by Bedeno, on the west by Meta, on the north by Dire Dawa, on the northeast by Haro Maya, and on the southeast by Kurfa Chele. The woreda has a population of 243,544 peoples residing in 38 kebeles and it has hosted 874 household IDPs displaced from Somali region. Mieso woreda is bordered on the south by Guba Koricha, on the west by the Afar Region, on the north by the Somali Region, on the east by Doba and on the southeast by Chiro. It has a total population of 130,709.
The policy of repression in Venezuela has been based on the coordination of attacks and stigmatizing messages broadcast by media with links to Nicolás Maduro’s government and politically motivated arbitrary arrests by the security forces under his command, with a marked pattern of political discr...imination, concludes new research published today by Amnesty International in conjunction with the Foro Penal and the Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia (CDJ).
Patient Safety tutorial 325
Ce guide de production locale des solutions hydro-alcooliques selon les formulations recommandées par l’OMS se compose de deux parties étroitement liées
Quick reference guide on clinical management of patients with Dengue
El dengue durante el embarazo
Testing Guidance and Interpretation of Results for Healthcare Providers Dengue and Zika Virus
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection, and two types of HPV (16 and 18) cause nearly 50% of high-grade cervical pre-cancers. HIV and cervical cancer are inextricably linked. Women living with HIV are six times more likely to develop cervical cancer, which is o...ne of the AIDS-defining illnesses and the most common cancer among women living with HIV globally. Cervical cancer is a preventable, curable disease and can be eliminated as a public health problem with primary and secondary prevention, treatment, and care of cervical cancer, in combination with addressing social, health and other inequalities and integrated approaches.
The world is not on track to end the AIDS pandemic. New infections are rising and AIDS deaths are continuing in too many communities. This report reveals why: inequalities are holding us back. In frank terms, the report calls the world’s attention to the painful reality that dangerous inequalities... are undermining the AIDS response and jeopardising the health security of everyone. The report highlights three specific areas of inequality for which concrete action is immediately possible—gender
inequalities and harmful masculinities driving HIV; marginalisation and criminalisation of key populations, which our data show is resulting in starkly little progress for those populations and undermining the overall response; and
inequalities for children whose lives must matter more than their market share. But this is not a counsel of despair, it is a call to action. Through bold action to confront these inequalities, we can end AIDS.
The world is not on track to end the AIDS pandemic. New infections are rising and AIDS deaths are continuing in too many communities. This report reveals why: inequalities are holding us back. In frank terms, the report calls the world’s attention to the painful reality that dangerous inequalities... are undermining the AIDS response and jeopardising the health security of everyone. The report highlights three specific areas of inequality for which concrete action is immediately possible—gender
inequalities and harmful masculinities driving HIV; marginalisation and criminalisation of key populations, which our data show is resulting in starkly little progress for those populations and undermining the overall response; and
inequalities for children whose lives must matter more than their market share. But this is not a counsel of despair, it is a call to action. Through bold action to confront these inequalities, we can end AIDS.
El mundo no está en vías de acabar con la pandemia de sida. Las nuevas infecciones aumentan y las muertes por sida continúan en demasiadas comunidades. Este informe revela por qué: las desigualdades nos están frenando. En términos francos, el informe llama la atención del mundo sobre la dolor...osa realidad de que las peligrosas desigualdades están socavando la respuesta al sida y poniendo en peligro la seguridad sanitaria de todos. El informe destaca tres áreas específicas de desigualdad en las que es posible actuar de forma inmediata: las desigualdades de género y las masculinidades perjudiciales.
In collaboration with partners, the government of Ethiopia has successfully developed 10 years Hand Hygiene for All (HH4A) costed national roadmap- a country-wide approach to achieving sustainable and universal hand hygiene. On the occasion of the 2022 Global Hand Washing Day event ( Ethiopia is cel...ebrating the event for one month with different sessions), the national HH4A road map launched on the 4th of Nov 2022 in a high-level advocacy event in the presence of higher officials and partners. Action is set mainly on the need for a joint effort to mobilize resources for implementation, monitoring and documenting of lessons and best practices.