Externalizing disorders
Chapter 1.1
Проблема раннего детского аутизма в настоящее время является одной из наиболее актуальных,
что обусловлено, прежде всего, огромным ростом статистических показат...лей распространенности
данного диагноза по всему миру. В статье рассматриваются клинические проявления раннего
детского аутизма, описываются основные симптомы и синдромы раннего детского аутизма, на
которые необходимо обращать внимание детским специалистам (педиатрам, неврологам) при
первичном обращении таких пациентов, а также дается обобщенная характеристика
диагностических проблем при выявлении раннего детского аутизма у детей в возрасте от 1 до
3 лет и основные дифференциально-диагностические критерии.
Le présent rapport fait un apperçu sur la situation de la riposte au VIH/Sida en 2015 au Burkina Faso. Il se veut être, un outil de sensibilisation, de plaidoyer, d’information, et d’orientations sur les décisions programmatiques, et également sur les efforts de mobilisation des ressources,... et de suivi évaluation.
Child marriage is a widespread practice across Turkana, a nomadic pastoralist region in Kenya. This report explores the issue through the voices of those girls affected by it.
Situation of Children with Short Stature in Indonesia
Review book of health crisis center of Indonesia 2015 :
The book "Overview of Crisis Response 2015" is prepared based on data /
information sourced from reports of events and developments received from cross
Programs and related sectors that have been collected by the Health Crisis Center for th...e period time 2015.
The report covers possible developments in Indonesia over the next 10 months (to end 2016). Four scenarios are outlined:
Delayed Second Crop Harvest
Delayed and Reduced Second Crop Harvest
La Niña disrupts main rural sources of income
Soaring rice prices
The scenarios wer...e developed during a two-day workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia involving 21 organisations. Scenarios are a description of situations that could occur; a set of informed assumptions about a development that may require humanitarian action to support strategic planning, create awareness, provide early warning and promote preparedness activities for those responding to the crisis.
Iran J Public Health, Vol. 45, No.11, Nov 2016, pp.1521-1522
Обобщены результаты региональных исследований распространенности болезни Паркинсона (БП) и заболеваемости ею в России; выявлены основные факторы, определяющие к...чество оценок эпидемиологических показателей болезни. Источниками для обзора послужили 19 оригинальных работ по эпидемиологии паркинсонизма и болезни Паркинсона в России, опубликованные в период 2005–2015 гг.
The publication is designed to provide Ipas staff, trainers, partners and other health-care providers with access to up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations. In general, the recommendations are the same as those in the World Health Organization’s 2012 Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidanc...e for Health Systems, Second edition. In rare cases, the recommendations have been modified due to the settings where Ipas works. In addition, if there is more current evidence to inform the recommendations, they will be updated here.
Global Education Review, 3(3).4-27
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2016.03.006
Open Access
We live in a world in which 28 million children have been driven from their
homes as a result of conflict, persecution and insecurity¹. If current trends
continue, more than 63 million children could be forced to flee by 2025², of
which over 25 million will cross borders and become refugees. At... least
300,000 of these child refugees will end up alone, separated from their
families³. Without a step-change in the provision of education for refugee
children, at least 12 million of them will be out of school by 2025⁴.