Response to the tropical cyclone in southern Africa
Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Meningitis outbreak in Togo
Lassa fever outbreak in Liberia.
Guidelines for adults on how to communicate with adolescents about mental health problems and other sensitive topics
Accessed: 31.03.2019
Nosocomial infections and antimicrobial resistance are two special health issues listed in Annex 1 of Commission Decision 2000/96/EC of 22 December 1999 on the communicable diseases to be progressively covered by the Community network under Decision No 2119/98/EC of the European Parliament and of th...e Council.
Nosocomial infections correspond to infections acquired in hospitals. The term “Healthcare-associated infections” is now preferred because it includes not only infections acquired in hospitals, but also in other settings where healthcare is provided, e.g. long-term care facilities, nursing homes, home care, etc.
Le présent document de travail a été conçu pour offrir des conseils pratiqueset des suggestions sur la manièred’établir et de maintenir la collaboration multisectorielle nécessaire pour élaborer et mettre en œuvre les plans d’action nationaux (PAN) de lutte contre la RAM. Il s’adresse... à tous ceux qui ont pourresponsabilité de combattre la RAM au niveau national. S’appuyant à la fois sur la littérature publiée et sur l’expérience pratique de quatre «pays focaux» (Éthiopie, Kenya, Philippines et Thaïlande), ce documentrésume les enseignements tirés et les derniers points de vuesur la collaboration multisectorielle en vue d’une action efficace contre la RAM.
The animal health subsector within the agriculture sector is the gatekeeper of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in livestock, aquaculture, animal products, and the immediate animal environment. In support of member countries taking responsibility for and moving forward with putting AMR monitoring and ...surveillance in place for the animal sector, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP) developed a regional AMR surveillance framework, each pillar of which is complemented by a guideline to reinforce its progressive implementation. The first of this series, Volume 1: Monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy food animals intended for consumption, is centered on healthy animals reaching consumers and on the protection of public health.
As the number of transboundary pest and animal and foodborne disease outbreaks rises, so does the number of people who are chronically hungry due to these and other factors. The correlation can be explained by the link between our health and that of the planet. We rely on land and sea for the produc...tion of safe and quality foods for our daily nourishment. Pests and disease epidemics negatively impact the quality, quantity and safety of our food sources, and cripple economic growth and efficiencies in production. Furthermore, the epidemic and endemic levels of the pathogens and disease vectors can be difficult to control. This is why FAO stresses and promotes the special efforts required for cost-effective preventive measures rather than the more expensive control, disinfestation, treatment and disposal measures. When preventive measures are late or difficult, preparedness and contingency plans must be in place to enable rapid response. Early warning systems, based on close monitoring, surveillance, and timely reporting are fundamental to warn and empower communities to safeguard their livelihoods and assets by enhancing disease and pest prevention measures and for government services to take immediate measures to protect communities and national economies.
Amphetamine-type stimulants, new psychoactive substances
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
The report and an accompanying series of studies show the global uptake of the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist in its first ten years since its launch and recommend ways the Checklist can be more effectively used to improve surgical safety for millions at risk.
The report ...found that uptake has been remarkably positive: the Checklist has been adopted in almost 90% of operating rooms in countries with a high Human Development Index (HDI), a country-level measure of health, education, and standard of living. It was referenced by at least 139 (70%) of the world's countries and is included as a national standard by the health ministries of at least 20 countries. The Checklist has also had beneficial qualitative impact, introducing a culture of safety and improved communication within surgical teams, increasing patient trust, and improving job satisfaction.
These guidelines provide a framework for effective action to facilitate access to safe and ethical
testing services for different population groups. The implementation of the a comprehensive
approach, known as HIV Testing Services (HTS) is cardinal as an effective package of services
that diminis...hes the impact of the HIV epidemic in our country. All forms of HTS adhere to
the 5Cs: Confidentiality, Counselling, Consent, Correct results and Connection, or linkage
to care, with all based within a human right context. In addition to the 5Cs, however, the
MOHCDGEC emphasizes the use of a variety of approaches to HTS that will reduce the
number of missed opportunities. These include Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling
testing, Couple counselling and testing, Index testing, and infant and children counselling and
testing in alignment to the revised WHO guidelines. Furthermore, these guidelines accentuate
on the continual provision of integrated HTS service at all levels of the public and private
health service delivery system.
The HTS Providers, managers and other stakeholders
Accessed online January 2019, date of publication unknown.
The main objective of this guidance is to provide scientific advice, based on an evidence-based assessment of targeted public health interventions, to facilitate effective screening and vaccination for priority infectious diseases among newly arrived migrant populations to the EU/EEA. It is intended... to support EU/EEA Member States to develop national strategies to strengthen infectious disease prevention and control among migrants and meet the health needs of these populations.
La communication sur les risques est un aspect à part entière des interventions d’urgence. Il s’agit de l’échange en temps réel d’informations, de conseils et d’avis entre les experts, les responsables communautaires, les décideurs politiques et les populations en situation de risque.... Lors d’une épidémie, d’une pandémie, d’une crise humanitaire ou d’une catastrophe naturelle, une communication sur les risques efficace permet aux populations les plus exposées de comprendre les comportements à adopter pour se protéger. Ainsi, les autorités et les experts peuvent être à l’écoute des inquiétudes et des besoins, chercher à y répondre et faire en sorte que leurs conseils soient pertinents, fiables et recevables
Zambia has recognised the Public Health threat of antimicrobial resistance and its impact on morbidity and mortality, as well as the subsequent economic consequences. The country has recorded microorganisms which have developed resistance to antimicrobial drugs. Notable among these are; Multidrug Re...sistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MDR), Human Immunodeficiency virus resistant to antiretroviral drugs, Plasmodium resistance to antimalarial drugs, and fungal species showing indications of resistance to antifungal drugs. Emergence of “Superbugs” such as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Extended Spectrum beta-lactam (ESBL) producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) have also been reported.
The new WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of a range of sanitation interventions and provide a comprehensive framework for health-protecting sanitation, covering policy and governance measures, implementation of sanitation technologies, systems and b...ehavioural interventions, risk-based management, and monitoring approaches. Critically, the guidelines articulate the role of the health sector in maximizing the health impact of sanitation interventions.
The guidelines also identify gaps in the evidence-base to guide future research efforts to improve the effectiveness of sanitation interventions.
(French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic in production)
May 2018
HIV i-Base
ISSN 1475-2077
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First questions
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