This guide provides a systematic, practical approach to support primary care and other healthcare professionals to improve the care of peopel over the age of 18 years with difficult to manage asthma.
Asthma can be a serious disease, but if you understand
the disease and take the right medication to control it, you
should have no problems or symptoms due to your asthma,
even when you are pregnant. To be free from asthma
attacks, you should also check your lung function and use
an action plan... if any symptoms occur.
Myth: It’s better to ‘tough it out’ without taking asthma medication. The lungs do not get stronger or become better able to deal with asthma if a person tries to work through an attack without medication. In fact, the lung inflammation that goes along with an attack (see what is asthma) ...can cause permanent damage to the lungs. Always use medication according to the Asthma Action Plan. If you have questions, talk with your health care provider.
В этой брошюре содержится информация о симптомах шизофрении, о том, когда они появляются, о течении болезни, современных методах лечения, о поддержке больных и их б...изких, а также о новыхн аправлениях научных исследований.
In a retrospective review of hospital records of 40 human monkeypox cases from Nigeria, the majority developed fever and self-limiting vesiculopustular skin eruptions. Five deaths
were reported. Compared to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–negative cases, HIV type 1–coinfected cases had more ...prolonged illness, larger lesions, and higher rates of both secondary bacterial skin infections and genital ulcers.
This briefing note is based on the existing WHO and ILO guides and recommendations for Ebola Virus
Disease at the time of the publication. It will be updated as new information and recommendations become
The importance of growing up in a nurturing and supportive family environment cannot be underestimated. Raising children in a warm, loving environment sets them on a positive developmental trajectory for later life success (Biglan et al, 2012). Conversely, children raised in homes with inconsistent ...and harsh parenting or with high levels of conflict can be adversely impacted.
Introduction - Chapter A.12
As of 14 December 2021, a total of 19 laboratory-confirmed human rabies cases has been reported in South Africa for 2021. The cases are from Eastern Cape, KwaZuluNatal and Limpopo provinces. In addition, four probable rabies cases were reported from KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape provinces. A pr...obable case of rabies is defined as a person who has had a history of contact with a suspected or confirmed rabid animal and has developed an acute encephalitis with hyperactivity and paralytic signs and symptoms that progressed and resulted in death, usually by cardiac or respiratory failure, typically within ten days.
After more than 3 years with no cases of cholera reported in Haiti, on 2 October
2022, the national authorities reported two confirmed cases of Vibrio cholerae O1
in the greater Port-au-Prince area.
On this platform you can find the latest situation updates.
Après plus de trois ans sans cas, Haïti a signalé le 2 octobre 2022 un ensemble de cas de choléra dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, alors que le pays était sur le point d'être déclaré exempt de choléra.
Cette résurgence du choléra en Haïti survient dans un contexte opér...ationnel complexe, au milieu d'un environnement socio-politique instable marqué par des blocus, des pénuries de carburant, des activités de bandes criminelles et une insécurité galopante. Les troubles civils et le manque d'accès aux communautés touchées aggravent la crise humanitaire complexe et entravent les efforts de réponse d'urgence.
After more than three years without cases, Haiti reported on 2 October 2022 a cluster of cholera cases in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, just as the country was on the verge of being declared cholera- free.
This cholera resurgence in Haiti is happening in a complex operational context, ...amid a volatile socio- political environment marked by blockades, fuel shortages, criminal gang activity and rampant insecurity. Civil unrest and lack of access to the affected communities are deepening the complex humanitarian crisis and hindering emergency response efforts.
Here you can download the latest Situation Reports
Weekly updates on the current situation in Ukraine and refugee-receiving countries, priority public health concerns and WHO’s actions to rapidly respond to the health emergency triggered by the conflict and to minimize disruptions to the delivery... of critical health services.
The Lancet Global Health January 24, 2022