Each year, dozens of communities around the world face natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and other emergencies. Scientists think that a worldwide influenza outbreak will happen sometime in the next decade. The purpose of this guide is to help local leaders and community organizers bring together... the community to help plan for disease outbreaks and other emergencies. This guide uses the lessons from communities that have already dealt with disease outbreaks and also uses other often-used tools to create discussion among community members and effectively garner their insight
The purpose of this interim guidance is to provide information and insight to assist public policy and
health system leaders in preparing for and responding to an MCE caused by terrorist use of explosives
(TUE). This document provides practical information to promote comprehensive mass casualty ca...re
in the event of a TUE event and focuses on two areas:
1. leadership in preparing for and responding to a TUE event, and
2. effective care of patients in the prehospital and hospital environments during a TUE event.
Through HeRAMS, the Global Health Cluster aims at promoting and supporting good practice in mapping health resources and services availability in emergencies so as to strengthen informed based decision making by the Health Cluster.
Reading Material for ASHA no.8
The Capacity Project used the Learning for Performance (LFP) approach to develop the family planning (FP), HIV/AIDS and gender components included in the competency-based A1 nursing and midwifery pre-service curricula. LFP was also used to adapt the Rwanda national FP curriculum to an on-the-job tra...ining approach. This study documents the implementation of the and the lessons learned from its application in preservice education and in-service training in Rwanda.
The revised package of BFHI materials includes five sections: 1. Background and Implementation, 2. Strengthening and Sustaining the BFHI: A course for decision-makers, 3. Breastfeeding Promotion and Support in a Baby-friendly Hospital: a 20-hour course for maternity staff, 4. Hospital Self-Appraisal... and Monitoring, and 5. External Assessment and Reassessment. Sections 1 to 4 are widely available while section 5 is for limited distribution.
Working with limited resources in armed conflict and other situations of violence. Vol.1
ARC resource pack - Study material
This publications outlines the specific reproductive health needs of this cadre of adolescents and the programmatic responses that can be used to reach them.
Companion to the World Report on Child Injury Prevention 2008
This child-friendly version of the World report on child injury prevention aims to inform children, aged 7 - 11 years, about various types of injuries and how these may be prevented by using a mixture of facts, puzzles,... games and other visual material.
Original file: 24 MB
The Asia-Pacific Community Mental Health Development (APCMHD) project has been established in 2005 to explore diverse leading models or approaches to community mental health service delivery in the Asia-Pacific region. The objective is to illustrate and promote best practice in mental health care in... the community through use of information exchange, current evidence and practical experience in the region.
Improve identification, verification, communication and coordination.
A Training Course for Vasectomy Providers and Assitants 2nd Edition
The manufacturing process is one of the key steps where quality control is required to ensure quality of medicinal products, including herbal medicines. Good manufacturing practices (GMP) is one of the most important tools for this measure.
The mission of the Women’s Health Council is to inform and influence the development of health policy to ensure the maximum health and social gain for women in Ireland.
Its membership is representative of a wide range of expertise and interest in women’s health.
The Women’s Health Council ...has five functions detailed in its Statutory Instruments:
1. Advising the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of women’s health.
2. Assisting the development of national and regional policies
and strategies designed to increase health gain and social gain for women.
3. Developing expertise on women’s health within the health services.
4. Liaising with other relevant international bodies which have similar functions as the Council.
5. Advising other Government Ministers at their request.
A practical manual presenting the specific knowledge, skills and practices that First Aiders should have to act safely and effectively when caring for people caught up in armed conflicts and other situations of violence, such as internal disturbances and tensions.